One more thing I would also like to highlight to all of you my brothers and sisters looking at the last equation above, in this world, there can never be AN INDIVIDUAL who is capable of making the RED and the GREEN equal or even making the GREEN more than the RED. If he can, based on the principle of alchemy, imagine how many people need to stand at the RED SIDE for every single person who is capable of standing at the GREEDSIDE in order to achieve such balancing...
Dear friends, I hope you're able to understand what I'm trying to say.... (-.-)
“While humans think that getting themselves involve in the lies will make them feel better for the rest of their life, but unfortunately, they never feel better at all. The worse is, when they discovered this, they lie to themselves again, and again.” (-.-)
“The only truth is the truth that does not contain those lies that lie to your own self.” (-.-)
“While a lie may also be a lie if it doesn't comply to another higher level of lie, the truth that discloses this sub-level of lie just for the sake of complying to the higher level of lie is also a lie -- This is what that makes humans think that they've found the 'truth'.” (-.-)
“The priority of 4D beings are not for you to LIKE them but to keep your mind stay polluted, distorted and corrupted all the time. To them, when they can only divide you and enslave you through the misperception of duality, there can never be a 'true like' or 'true love' to be valued about, even among all of you if not between you and them. While humans think that they're the 99% that go against these beings, this is just what that reflects the real success of these beings. If you don't raise your consciousness to a higher level, you're always within their palm no matter where you run.” (-.-)
“Higher level of collective consciousness isn't only needed for humanity to survive in the wild and primitive age, it is also needed for humanity to survive healthily, both mentally and physically, in a modern and civilized age of corruption. This is the highest integral part of it that makes it immortal. By realizing it as a key for all meanings in life, it's no longer matter whether it's modern or primitive.” (-.-)
“There will be no true awakening until my own formality of existence is forgotten.” (-.-)
While I’m reading my own mind, I’m reading yours – this is how I get to know myself in healing myself in order to heal you. (-.-)
Perhaps many of you had heard about “living in your NOW” from many spiritual masters, lightworkers, as well as myself, but some of you may still feel doubtful about this advice as it seems very difficult for you as how it used to be difficult for me as well:
How can I live in my NOW when every time I open my eyes in my now, I see lies all over the place?
How can I live in my NOW when every time I open my ears in my now, I hear lies from all directions?
How can I live in my NOW when every time I put something on my mouth, I was like eating poison?
How can I live in my NOW when every time I breathe in something through my nose, I was like sucking toxic into my lungs?
Yes, dear ones, I deeply and fully comprehend your situations as how I experienced them for my own. As I always said, in the modern world of slavery, your great spiritual awakening is not allowed and therefore every single possibility that will wake you up has to be either covered up, destroyed or blocked through lies where lies take advantage of fear, greed, ego, selfishness, jealousy and hatred to make them functional. But dear ones, I also realized that many of you are tired of being fearful, greedy, ego, selfish, jealous and hating each other because of some other cosmological change that affects the vibration frequency of your heart and brains besides you realized that you haven’t gotten anything by casting all these hurtful behaviours to our own brothers and sisters except the same pain that had been reflected to ourselves. And guess what, there is something that you perhaps never realized about it: What makes you refuse to live in your NOW if you’re not conscious enough to detect those UGLINESS that existed in-front of your NOW? My dear brothers and sisters, you’re not really fully unconscious!
But dear ones, fortunately, I wonder if you still can remember that we still have our LEGS that can move us around, from one ugly place to a beautiful place? Alternatively, or in additionally, I wonder if you still can remember that we still have our HANDS that can turn something ugly into beauty? If you still can recall, what makes you decide to go to the seaside when you feel sad and depress? What makes you try to heal your plants when you see them almost half-dead? What makes bring back a poor street dog that full of wounds on its body and bandage it? Who lead you up to the mountain and meditate when your mind is out of tune?
Dear Ones, if the world is ugly, let us beautify it, like how we cheer ourselves up through the sea breeze, like how we save our plants when they’re drying, like how we save the dog when it’s injured, like how we calm ourselves down through the peacefulness of the mountain… Not the governments, not the corporations, not the banks, and not the authorities but YOU, the 99% (Occupy Wall Street Quote) with pure natural energies with no artificial ingredients inside.
If you can’t face it at your NOW, beautify it at your NOW.
Namaste. (-.-) Antonio
P/S: Here is my important quote of the day, hope you can slowly digest it:
“If you stand at -3 point of view, you see +2 as -1; if you stand at the +9 point of view, you see -6 as +3. However, if you always stand at the 0 point of view, you see +2 as +2, -6 as -6, without any distorted reflection by your own prejudice of ego.” (-.-)
The LEGEND, is your root and your path to your ancient memory of awakening. To conquer the world and to enslave the whole world, the Rise of the Legend is not allowed. They got to do something to chop off the path that leads you back to your root. While they knew that you're still unable to forget its existence, the best and most natural way to destroy it is to change its story-line in leading you to their desired path and destination, unwittingly and unconsciously. (-.-)
This could be the reason why Bruce Lee got to go at young age. Yes, I always believe that Bruce Lee was being murdered by the Hollywood elites by bribing a Hong Kong actress called Ding Pei and asked her to give Bruce Lee a fake headache painkiller, making his death a mystery until today. Why kill him? Because the Hollywood bosses knew that this guy bowed to no one and threatened by no one while on the other hand, his soul can never be betrayed for any evil purpose, not to mention about any political or secret society bias Hollywood movies that Bruce Lee can possibly contribute for -- he is too sensitive to evil stuffs. They also can't ignore his existence, even in the small island like Hong Kong, as his movies had been globally brought great impact to Hollywood businesses as well as the people around the world.
And what about his only son, Brandon Lee? -- Legendary gene has to be extinct to ensure no future potential nightmare and threat to the 'Hollywood Dreams'. (-.-)
When humans follow all the conditions required by the nature and the plant grows, they say "science works", wakakakakakaka!!!! But now their space shuttle also works, just that it farts a lot of CO2 before taking off. Perhaps the major difference between science and nature can only be measured by the degree of pollution, which in turn can be used to measure the degree of pollution in human's mind. (^_^)
While they think their inner pollution can be remained hidden and unseen, they unwittingly leak out their pollution and make it externally visible through the great amount of CO2 produced by their own creations. (^_^)
Nothing can be hidden. It got to be represented somewhere in some forms. Even the gold need to be kept in the great iron safe, LOL!!!! xD
It’s all about Collective Consciousness my dear brothers & sisters… It’s all about Sense of Totality… for your Ultimate Wisdom… Namaste (-.-)
1. December 21, 2012 isn't the END of Mayan Calendar. Instead, they used their calendar like using the CLOCK as the cycle keeps repeating every 26,000 years -- Is 12:00 AM the end of time or the Earth stops spinning? No. (-.-)
2. Both curves at the peak of Yin and Yang denote the GREAT TRANSITION PERIOD, which seemed to be consistent with what Matias De Stefano mentioned in his video here:
3. The two smaller circles (1 black and 1 white) seemed to be representing the planetary alignment happen at the GREAT TRANSITION PERIOD mentioned earlier, i.e. December 21, 2012.
4. The black & white of Yin-Yang represents the Galactic Night and Galactic Day respectively, which is also very much aligned with what Matias De Stefano mentioned in his video:
5. The 12 hours in the clock also align with the 12 astrological zodiac signs, which of course something like a scaled down version of the entire galactic cycle. The smaller scale and larger scale seem to be following each other rhythm and timing, which is also corresponded to our solar system.
6. Galactic Alignment takes place at the Photon Belt/Band, which may involve more than Alcyone, Sun and Earth, like the 3 needles of our clock, each ticks at the different speed but will eventually be aligned together at a particular moment, for the clock case is 12:00AM.
7. The black & white Yin-Yang seem to be spinning in a SPIRAL manner, which is very much aligned with the one mentioned in The Pleiaidian Agenda:
But keep in mind that this is the top view version of the one depicted in The Pleiadian Agenda.
Mayan Calendar is a CLOCK (at a larger scale), and December 21, 2012 is just like the 12:00AM of the clock -- it's just simulating the 26,000 years cycle, like how our clock simulating the 1 day cycle and the planetary alignment is like the second, minute and hour pointers meet together at 12:00AM. Mayan calendar is reusable after December 21, 2012, like how we reuse our clock or watch. (-.-)
I seldom officially respond to any public teaching or propaganda unless I find it worthwhile to do that. Matías De Stefano (aka. Ghan), someone who claimed himself as an indigo child, however, is important to me as I see his true potential within and I foresee that he will be one of the key players in the field of education and beyond year 2012 in particular. I resonated well with much of his information, just that some of his presentations and explanations were a little bit distorted, which I believe and personally felt, due to the following reasons:
The limitations of human languages with either positive or negative vocabularies.
The incorporation of inaccurate source of information in order to complete his recalls.
Lack of solid, practical, spiritual experiences manifesting in the 3rd dimension world.
I hope that the publishing of this blog can help me to reach him in person as I was having difficulty adding him in Facebook (his friend list full) and not able to Google for his email address. I also hope that someone who have seen this blog and also have connection with him, can help me to pass to him and perhaps translate it into Spanish if necessary. To me, this is crucial when ones have a high impact in passing information down to Earth to ensure the success of the great revolution that is to be taken place beyond 2012.
Here, I would also like to thank Ghan for helping me to recall some of the major part of the information in my past as well. I also hope that, not only my own recalls but also my real life spiritual experiences in the 3D existence, can help him to complete his teaching contents in a more coherent, consistent, truthful, and less confusing way.
Namaste. (-.-)
About Lucifer
Even though Matias De Stefano was right about Lucifer, I think Lucifer's idea isn't working according to the cosmic plan and need to be aborted ASAP. Why? Because his role of darkness is redundant as the whole universe, including Earth, is made up of the balance between darkness and light and in order for humans to experience darkness, they don't really need the involvement of Lucifer at all.
If Lucifer's idea is working, then Matias De Stefano doesn't have to come down as an indigo child to disclose everything in order to accelerate the awakening of human beings at the last minute while they are moving into the age of Aquarius. Why only last minute? Because Lucifer's plan isn't working effectively and not ON TIME. Why not on time? Because the result of his idea had been blocking and preventing those who are willing to go back and practice the true spiritual lifestyle for their further ascension process! Unfortunately, as being realized by Ghan himself, his way of enlightenment can only feed the information in the audiences left brain as ‘information’ but not as ‘spiritual experience’. If Lucifer is also playing a ‘helping role’, those who have awaken and choose to detach from the system should be given a choice to responsible for their own survival and have their own spaces for their own spiritual lifestyle and practices in order for them to achieve higher maturity of spirituality rather than purely in the form of theoretical information. Therefore, if Lucifer's proposal was also to emphasize the respect of FREE WILL, then the situation as I mentioned earlier must be very much violating his own original intention. For more information about this issue, please refer to my following blog:
Let me tell you guys, if Lucifer was part of the cosmic planner, Matias De Stefano is an indigo child, then I must be the AUDITOR of the cosmic plan sent by the 8th dimensional Vegan from the Galactic Federation, and not just 'con-federation', to monitor the effectiveness of the Lucifer's plan. (^_^)
Whatever that is deliberative, is 'illusion', and will cause an 'out-of-the-balance' effect, including the Lucifer's volunteer offer to play as the darkness role to serve the awakening of humanity. (-.-)
About Time & Space
It's not the TIME that causes the manifestation of the matters; it's the environmental and cosmological factors and REACTION that cause the manifestation of the matters. The TIME itself doesn't tell the reasons whereas the REACTION does. (-.-)
Just one simple argument: The time came from the spinning, gravitational, and electro-magnetization between Earth, Moon, and Sun (cosmological reactions) or the spinning, gravitational, and electro-magnetization between Earth, Moon, and Sun came from time? It’s solely the occurrences at the NOW; there is no past, present, and future except the holographic images that stay inside the memory. Although all human languages have the words to describe the human imagination using ‘yesterday’, ‘today’, and ‘tomorrow’, at the very least, in Chinese language, there is no past, present, and future tenses.
It's only the continuous and endless occurrence of the matters. It has nothing to do with TIME. It's the human desires that hoping for a particular STATE of matters to happen, and hence the illusion of TIME occurs and become NEEDED. In other words, how matters transform from one STATE to another, where the targeted STATE is the desired STATE, then humans began to have the interest to know for HOW LONG such transformation takes place and hence HOW LONG that they need to WAIT. As such, the SOURCE STATE became the starting point of TIME and the TARGET STATE became the ending point of TIME. But due to the never ending greed and desire of mankind, the need for TIME measurement keeps going on and on. Therefore, clock and watch were invented in accordance to the cosmological factors (day and night) and let it run by itself so that the human progress can be monitored just to know ONE THING: When can their wish comes true?
When desire vanished, TIME vanished. When need vanished, TIME vanished. In other words, when need exists, TIME exists too. For example, when humans are hungry, they tend to keep thinking for HOW LONG that they still needed in order for them to find the food. When the stomach is filled, however, the NEED disappears and the TIME should also disappear. Therefore, when NEEDS are to be deliberately made ENDLESSLY, ENDLESS TIME is needed. (-.-)
If your EGO insists something to be forever indestructible, then you've built yourself a vulnerably destructible EGO; if your EGO insists the destructible is indestructible and the constructible is destructing the destructible, then you've built yourself an indestructible EGO, which last according to the truth of the indestructible. (-.-)
NOTE: Once you have achieved the latter, i.e. the indestructible EGO, your mind state will be the same as the meaning of EGO-less, or in Chinese, we called it 'I-AM-LESS' (无我). Earlier, I did not explain to you in such a way because I do not want to confuse you in order to make things simple and more clear-cut to be understood. But since Matias De Stefano ( had already disclosed it, I also do not want to hide anything from you guys to further confuse you when you combine his and mine definition of EGO together. But seek no mistake, being EGO over the truth of NOTHINGNESS is absolutely equivalent to EGO-less or NO-EGO even if you see it in a Mathematical perspective. It's absolutely fine.
Understanding the true essence of EGO, to me, is utmost importance to every human being because once it is misunderstood, humans began to insist on what is not supposed to insist and resist what is supposed to insist. If you still unable to understand both Matias De Stefano's and mine explanations, I suggest that you temporarily put them aside first and forget about it. You'll definitely be able to realize and understand it when the right situation comes.
When you're spiritually awaken, it's not the way you battle with the systems that liberates you; it's your detachment and your consciousness that leads you not to get involved into the systems, that liberates you. Of course, the more people awake and detach, eventually, the better and more peaceful the world will become. (-.-)
REMEMBER: The 'battle' itself is also part of the system games. (-.-)
Perhaps, they may come and lock you up if you do not want to participate in the systems. So what you need to do is to make them feel like they're just putting a stone inside the cage, causing them no reflection and meaningless to their evil act. The more you think you're suffering in the jail, the more they think it's effective to lock you up. It's meaningless to put someone who has no greed, no fear, no ego and no hate into the jail. It's also no threat to release him out of the jail because those with greed, fear, ego, and hatred may not understand what his wisdom all about. (-.-)
Now, you may ask: If without greed, fear, ego, and hatred, where is the joy and meaning in life besides not able to get rid of those sufferings caused by them?
Your greediness is to make you no greed; your fear is to make you no fear; your ego is to make you no ego; your hatred is to make you no hate; you selfishness is to make you no selfish; your suffering is to make you no suffer; your unconsciousness is to make you conscious. When you're awaken, you see no single darkness and light except the ever changing beauty of nothingness in the cosmic life. This is your joy of eternity. (-.-)
Last but not least, neither this note will liberate you. It's your own unprecedented determination, courage, effort, passion, and willingness to work towards your spiritual consciousness that liberates you; not through hours of reading and keep sticking your eyes to the computer screen, but through your real life experiences, observations, and your interactions with the nature.
What decide what you should act and how you should act has nothing to do with how human beings came about but with your most self-aware and awake consciousness that you bring about in your NOW. While environmental and cosmological states change constantly, you can only act rightfully with your clear sense of NOW, NOT who were you in the past AND HENCE what you should do in the present or future, in a logical manner. (-.-)
NOTE: Purely based on LOGIC may turn your actions into ILLUSIONS. Ones must have a strong sense of NOW to act according to the rhythm of their surroundings to achieve balances. (-.-)
I understand that many people, especially my western brothers & sisters, like to dig too far away from their present to find out who they belong to, in a logical and rational manner. This mentality is very much impacted by their religion that ended their question with 'GOD'. Even when they finally decided to detach themselves from the false belief of godhood, such mind-set has yet to go away. (-.-)
My Advice: Before you start finding out the 'entity' that you should belong to, first of all, you've to find WHO YOU ARE; or else you don't even know WHO belongs to WHO. (-.-)
To find out who you are, the following Zen Quest may help you through:
"While you are here with you, why running and digging around just to find out who you are?" (-.-)
I also understand that some of you may have problem emptying your mind during meditation. Some people even told me that they think even more nonsenses during meditation! If you really can't help yourself on that, then apply the Zen Quest given by me above -- Why??? Isn't this another way of THINKING??? -- No, this is another way of Zen enlightenment technique: putting your logical self to a DEAD-END with another logical yet collective thought-worthy question (We usually called it 'Zen Quest'). Often, Zen Quest always generates TWO simple outcomes:
1. You'll get a sudden awakening; 2. You still circling yourself at the dead-end until you reach the first outcome.
Ego Mind State Living in Linear Time-&-Space Belief System
The truth of Time-less & Space-less had been covered up and blocked by Human Ego since eons ago to fulfil their desires that effected by lying to themselves and to others. For example, the idea of human civilization advancement cannot be established without making a RESTRICTIVE ASSUMPTION that involves the past and present time factor as well as space factor such as the number of lands, size of organization and personal possessions, and resources that ones have owned. When they fail to make this linear growth of spaces vs. time, they’ll suffer with mental imbalance and began to use whatever means to make it works, such as business and political deceptions. One of the key success factors that ensure the continuity of this system over time is to make belief the importance of space by restricting the living spaces among lower and middle classes, including workplace cubical, bedroom, size of house, and even transportation through the conception of duality. The conception of duality includes the provocation of jealousy and hatred through comparisons and competitions, e.g. "his prison is greater than mine". This mental suffering of psychological torture acts as a steroid to drive this system in moving forward. This is how humans narrow down their own world view in order to satisfy their own egoistic belief system through their own lies.
NOTE: Notice that others like colours and sizes of all things are also time & space oriented but may or may not in a linear form. They are dualistically reflected in the biological eyes of human beings as a holographic image. In order to make them definite, humans began to limit them with their own definite time and space.
Peaceful Mind State Living in Time-Less-Space-Less Realm of Consciousness
When human ego is removed, humans began to change their lifestyle that only works for actual physical needs rather than just for the sake of growing up spaces over time without knowing the true purpose behind except the ones at the upper hierarchy of the pyramid. Due to the less-hurry and less-rushing lifestyle, the time factor no longer plays an important role and spaces are consumed as needed instead of pre-occupying them selfishly by pushing others to the cliff. Such a slow motion yet peaceful lifestyle stops the delusive time effect within them, allowing them to realize that there is actually No Time and No Space in this universe except the human illusion (watch this video for greater inspiration: Such an unrestricted perception also allows them to see very clearly the origin of all human problems and sufferings. This makes them refuse to waste their effort in performing a micro study on why a specific human problem is happening and how to resolve (as being enforced by the social education system) because they knew very well that these are all caused by the falsely believed perception of mankind that misguides and separates human selves into the state of DUALITY.
In other words, such a balanced and grounded living model had never been encouraged due to the fact that it does not cultivate the linear time and space belief system that facilitates the agenda of certain entities on this planet. The following figures also show how this harmonic lifestyle was being re-engineered, in conjunction with the Linear Time & Space belief system, to manipulate human energetic behaviours and transform it into a model that favours their agenda:
Conclusion (Addendum, added June 10, 2011)
It's not the TIME that causes the manifestation of the matters; it's the environmental and cosmological factors and SITUATION that cause the manifestation of the matters. The TIME itself doesn't tell the reasons whereas the SITUATION does. (-.-)
It's only the continuous and endless occurrence of the matters. It has nothing to do with TIME. It's the human desires that hoping for a particular STATE of matters to happen, then the illusion of TIME occurs and become NEEDED. In other words, how matters transform from one STATE to another, of which the targeted STATE is the desired STATE, then humans began to have the interest to know for HOW LONG such transformation takes place and hence HOW LONG that they need to WAIT. As such, the SOURCE STATE became the starting point of TIME and the TARGET STATE became the ending point of TIME. But due to the never ending greed and desire of mankind, the need for TIME measurement keeps going on and on. Therefore, clock and watch were invented in accordance to the cosmological factors (day and night) and let it run by itself so that the human progress can be monitored just to know ONE THING: When can their wish comes true?
When desire vanished, TIME vanished. When need vanished, TIME vanished. In other words, when need exists, TIME exists too. For example, when humans are hungry, they tend to keep thinking for HOW LONG that they still needed in order for them to find the food. When the stomach is filled, however, the NEED disappear and the TIME should also disappear. Therefore, when NEEDS are to be deliberately made ENDLESSLY, ENDLESS TIME is needed. (-.-)
I hope this note is able to fill up the yellow 'Things we don't know' area of the following diagram that shared by one of my Facebook friends, Philip Halas:
Related quotes by Antonio:
"Duality is just an illusion until the soul lives within a physical shell and began to be tricked by the linear time and space. When you're standing at -ve side, you saw +ve; when you stand at +ve side, you saw -ve; when you stand at NO SIDE, you see the totality of +ve and -ve as one whole thing, i.e. NOTHING." (-.-)
"If truth is immortal, eternal, and persistent, it shouldn't exist only during the day you were born, before born, or after born." (-.-)
"If you think you're greater than the truth, then it can only be forever JUST YOU and not the truth." (-.-)
"Perhaps 1 day, the only truth that we need to find out before all others is, does 'I AM', exist?" (-.-)
Revealing how others lied to us is only part of the truth. Revealing how we lied to ourselves and hence to others, is the whole of the truth. (-.-)
Notice that we don't take 'part of the truth' as TRUTH because if we do that, we began to create PARTIAL SOLUTION for the problems that was actually causing by the WHOLE COMPLETE TRUTH instead of PARTIAL TRUTH. An incomplete solution is usually the one that produces more problems and side-effects.
Let's take the idea of 'police as a peace-keeper' as an example. When humans began to commit crimes, the rulers, who are actually the real criminals who robbed the lands, enslaved people and forced everyone to pay taxes, began to establish a SOLUTION called 'Police' without looking into the true selves of their own. As such, those victims may also think this is a good idea as the police will help investigate the TRUTH and give them justice. So one great big mistake here:
The wellness and consciousness of both the policemen and the victims are ignored -- the victims obey the ruling criminals and the policemen work for the ruling criminals. How can we make the cleaning with our own dirty hands?
As you can see, such a distorted human mind-set and false perception had spanned across bankers, governments, corporations, families, and individuals. This is also why the leader of a democratic country can be elected and replaced again and again no matter how many times they get lied by their leaders and no matter how many times their true leaders get shot dead. Together, they built the wrong world with their wrong perception towards TRUTH. The reason is simple: Humans are just going through a one whole big round of civilization over centuries just to avoid one thing: Their inner darkness. They don't see the well-being of mankind is a problem; they only see the failure in fulfilling human desires is a problem, and they keep taking this as their direction to create all the subsequent solutions for all the subsequent problems, especially when the monetary system came into play and the abuse of Supply-and-Demand concept through capitalism.
To me, it's not the inner darkness of human beings that is unsolvable; it's because of all the solutions that humanity had been working on are all toward inner darkness enhancement rather than stimulating inner self awareness and spiritual awakening. If talking about 'UNRESOLVEABLE and therefore just forget about it', why they can't forget about the problems caused by monetary system and yet still continue using it instead of dumping it? -- It's all about greed and selfishness, not about recoverable and not resolvable. It's not the question of 'can or cannot'; it's the question of 'want or don't want'.
So once again, seeing one single truth to see all truths -- our inner truth; solving one single problem to solve all problems -- our inner darkness of distortion.
If the truth is TOTAL and COMPLETE, it must not have ourselves excluded, even when it's an ugly one. (-.-)
1. Postures are important. They affects your attitude and perception and hence the way you communicate with others through, e.g. when you nod your head, wave your hand, or even point a middle finger to others. Likewise, they affect your meditation mind state and attitude.
2. Both thumbs pointing to each other beneath the stomach gives you a stable and balance feel. It's also a sign INWARD or inner self review.
3. Both hands lay on the knee with the thumb pointing to the middle finger is more OUTWARD. It's a sign of EGO. It may be good for professional workers, businessmen, and politicians, but it's not a good posture for serious spiritual workers. This is a traditional Indian Yoga style, which has become more and more popular in the modern society. But it's not the genuine Buddhism or Zen style. The one shown in this video is the Buddhism/Zen style.
Basically, my meditation advice is:
“If you want to do something, do it correctly, otherwise better don't do it at all. If you think meditation posture isn't important, why are you bother to sit on the floor?” (-.-)
But remember, my following quote still apply:
“Meditation is like a walking stick -- you don't need it if you can walk. But since most people, especially those in the city, face a lot of distractions in their hourly lives, it turns out that they need to meditate more often. No matter what you learn, LEARN THE ROOT.” (-.-)
Let me share something with you:
“The mind state of a Zen Master or ascended master who is sweeping the floor can be much clearer and peaceful than you meditate for hours.” (-.-)
I will show you through my following video on how to meditate correctly and why the right posture is important for meditation. I hope you’ll find it helpful to your learning journey of meditation:
Have you ever met a 'well-being dictator' who is so fierce until you have no choice but to align yourself according to his consciousness until one day you realized that he was right and in fact out of his love and wisdom? -- This man was my father. (-.-)
When someone keep scolding you because you're not sovereign enough to make your own decision, solve your own problem, give your own opinions, and drive your own creativity, he is not the dictator -- He is someone who TRULY LOVES YOU. (-.-)
Instead, those who keep telling you that they love you, they can serve you better, they'll give you all you want etc, these people are the TRUE DICTATORS -- They corrupt and weaken your mind and spirit so that you can easily be dictated later. This is the modern 'Democratic Dictatorship'. This will exponentially increase their power to control because:
No brutal force is necessary -- save energy, money, and power.
They gain your 'love' instead of your 'hate'.
You pay your taxes and your energies out of your willingness.
You defend for their evilness -- because their evilness may also be your evilness as you were the one who chose them.
As you can also see that this is very much like a girl falling in love with a sweet talker -- all based on her willingness, including dying for a heartless man.
True devils and angels have no particular forms or appearance. Use your mind to control your eyes; not your eyes to control your mind. If a great devil has a great power that equivalent to the energies of 6 billion people, he must be needing a 6-billion equally evil energetic vibration in order to support it and form it. This low vibrating evil energies include our fear, greed, ego, jealousy, hatred and selfishness.
If you can stop a monster by just stop feeding it food, why fight it? Why not feeding yourselves with all you have in order to strengthen yourselves rather than feeding the monster to strengthen it and weaken you? (-.-)
If the monster is strong enough to eat you, it wouldn't have asking you to feed it with food -- it's your own illusion that is frightening yourselves that lead you to worship the monster and feed it food. (-.-)
So the more food you feed it, the more likely that your illusion will come true because the monster is getting stronger and stronger with your food until you think that what you 'think' is correct. (-.-)
Be wise, my dear humans. You may not be able to change the 2012 phenomena that caused by the cosmological factors, but you're able to change those that caused by human beings, that may potentially bring it forward to 2013 and beyond -- by changing yourself, your perception, and your consciousness.
HINT: How wise you're depending on how capable you are in identifying the devil that has yet to reveal himself, not those that had already been revealed. Wise man is to prevent, not to regret, and not to repeat the same regret all the time or every 4 years. However, if inner devil cannot be identified, outer devil cannot be identified.
Repetitive sadness gives you the opportunity to see something in common -- The Pattern of Truth. This is when you began to awake and mature. Holding this awaken mind state long enough by combining it with your daily lifestyle will lead you to the higher realm of consciousness. (-.-)
In the modern world, you have plenty of the earlier, but you lack of the latter -- this is what the current social model prevents this from happening in you. They knew that your constant sadness is inevitable due to their enslavement on you through lies, but their social systems help to keep them in power by preventing you from having this chance to evolve further -- they keep you busy with your work, giving you no chance to think any further except struggling it for survival. They can't afford to allow you to reach this level of consciousness, or else there will be no way that they can control you -- You're too total, too collective, too intelligent, and too powerful to be fooled and abused.
Dear Ones, the 'conscious-driven lifestyle', is what you need to fight for. Remember this when everything has came to an end, this is what you need to rebuild on this planet -- Simplicity & Grounded.
Many times in the past, I had been listened to people speculating and debating about Project Blue Beam and New Age Religion; and recently, it seems like this atmosphere is still continue until today. Here, let me clarify with you once again:
Project Blue Beam + New Age Religion are the elites' disinformation tactics and campaigns that take advantage of the negative belief of NWO's activists to counter destroy any means that will lead to a true spiritual awakening, including but not limited to the teachings of Pleiadians, Sirians, and Galactic Federation -- "If you disbelieve in us, I'll make sure neither you can believe in your true spiritual self (of which this had always been emphasized by those light beings). So long you're still in the DUALITY, I'm still the winner and I'll always have a chance to manipulate you!" -- The Elites.
Blue Beam, CGI, Sceptics, Scientists: "See! We can do it too! There is no advance spiritual beings here! So please get back to work!!!"
Elites: "Great work team! Here's your cheque! Just take a week off and enjoy your own sweet time!"
Team: "Thank you Sir! ^^"
My 2 cents: If you do believe that higher dimensional alien beings are real (just that those created by Blue Beam are fake), just go ahead and 'pretend' like they make you believe even more deeper by going for meditation even more often than before and write articles to disclose the truth -- this will make all their efforts go into the drain. Don't be too direct or too take care about your 'face'. We're spiritual beings too; please be agile, flexible, and formless.
ALWAYS REMEMBER: The elites can always create another groups or individuals to oppose themselves to gain your trust, belief, or even hatred (can be both positive and negative) in order to shape your thought that favours their own agenda. This include but not limited to Obama, Al Qaeda, and Project Blue Beam. (-.-)
Once again, listen ONLY to your inner spiritual self.
What is EGO? -- When he met someone kind, he accuses someone as 'no balls'; when he met someone who has enough balls, he accuses someone as 'too harsh'. EGO is someone who is always running away from his weaknesses by manipulating duality to make himself look and feel better. (-.-)
An egoistic person does not has his own stand or principle; if he has, that is only one, that is TO WIN -- may his argument points be contradicting or not. (-.-)
As you can see, ego always comes with FEAR; if there is no fear, there is no ego. Almost every human being on this planet has ego. One of the most important reasons is due to social survival need. This is because the human society was being built based on ego -- an ego-based society. As such, how they measure the value of each other is also based on how ego they are, although many have mistakenly understand it as 'self-confident'.
Humans only mind about how they look and feel better regardless of reality. It's because of this, they had dragged themselves deeper and deeper into the world of illusion. In the world of illusion, they lack of self-awareness and no longer aware of who they are, not to mention about understanding the true manifestation of cosmic totality. It's again, due to their ego, whoever that attempt to enlighten them with cosmic and spiritual truth, they'll be regarded as 'unrealistic' and 'impractical'. This is exactly the same as the 'no balls' and 'too harsh' examples given by me above.
As such, ego and fear, are one of most serious cancer since the human history, which is also the most important spiritual illness that need to be healed in order to heal the entire world of corruption.
Chapter II – The Illuminati’s Human Energies Reallocation & Remodelling
NOTE: This chapter requires the understanding of Chapter I.
NOTE: This pictorial does not take into consideration the Reptilian's bloodline that stays on top of the pyramid to avoid unnecessary confusion caused to those sceptics. However, it's also a fact that many human beings had corrupted themselves with greed due to the push of mental suffering caused by fear of losing ego etc..
Don't be too particular with the wordings used by me while my English is a bit sucks. Just based on your own feeling and intuition with 'more-or-less' attitude while inspecting my work. Namaste. (-.-)
Always Remember: The TRUTH isn't made by language but by how its energy frequency vibrates in reflecting to human consciousness. (-.-)
Chapter I – The Human Energetic Manipulation Through Fear
When some humans realized that it's FEAR that drives humans to do something 'extra', they began to capitalize it for greater wealth and power of enslavement through manual creation of disasters, violence threats (terrorism, war etc), poverty and so on.
But please note that the terms 'Natural FEAR Limit' may not be accurately used because to me, it's something like 'consciously alert' while assuring fundamental needs are always sufficient for the coming days. Their only fear at this zone is usually like insects attacking crops, wild animals attacking children etc. But with today's human civilization, humans should use all their power of knowledge to protect FUNDAMENTAL NEEDS that keep them happy and peaceful, not go beyond the natural fear limit by creating more sufferings for others. (-.-)
In short, they learned that suffering is a great tool to create fear in order to boost power and wealth. Alternatively, you can actually superimpose the Illuminati's pyramid symbol onto this graph to get another picture of the same meaning.
Don't rush, or you'll miss every single memorable beauty along the journey in life. And when every single moment of your journey is as beautiful as your destination, it doesn't really matter whether you'll reach it or not. When living in our NOW give us the greatest joy in life, it doesn't really matter if there is a beginning, or ending. (-.-)
In the realistic business world, we're being discouraged from that. We're being set with the goals, and for each goal, there is a deadline for us to meet, sometimes, at all costs. As such, in order to achieve these goals, we bypass everyone's feeling; we ignore everyone's difficulties; we disregard everyone's helplessness -- while rushing to our so called 'destination'. With such an experience, along this journey, not only we have missed all the beauties in life, WE DESTROY THEM along the way altogether. By the time even though we have reached our 'destination', when we turn back and take look, all the beauties that we wanted to see had been destroyed by our own hands, nothing left.
Dear Ones, why are we doing this when we can't really get what we want in life ultimately? When can we stop doing this to ourselves? When can we stop it together? When......? (-.-)
My Spiritual Guides through Facebook Wall – Jan 25 to 27, 2011
Dear Ones,
I have recently posted a few important messages on my Facebook wall, by hoping to convey them to as many people as possible in this world for their unprecedented great awakening in preparing themselves for the upcoming Cosmic Party by December 21, 2012. Of course these messages are not the whole of this divine plan, neither they can guarantee an instant awakening from those unconscious minds, but they’re definitely part of the oneness of this divine plan. But don’t be surprise that the 9/11 and BP Oil Spill phenomena are also part of the divine plan – why? Because true divinity has no polarity bias except by all means to help achieving cosmic balancing, or else what do you think that the Mother Gaia can cause disasters and killing hundreds and even thousands? – They’re the duality-less cosmic elements that self-aware at their own dimension! When humanity is unaware of their own, duality begins and they began to put the blame on anything that they can possibly and logically do in order to lie to themselves. But what they never figure out is that, all Gaia manifestations are meant to trigger total cosmic balancing and that includes activating your emotional body for great awakening, regardless whether she is putting your life at risk in a great disaster or bringing you warmness with foods, shades, and sunlight.
Dear Ones, although I can feel that many of you still find yourselves hard to read my consciousness through my emotional frequency, I believe others may be able to. However, since my specialty is to translate many of the most difficult to understand spiritual truth to a very plain layman term, I believe many of you will still find it comprehendible and beneficial. If this applies to you and you see the necessity to share it across, please feel free to do so as this is also my real intention in compiling these messages into this single page of truth to facilitate this task.
Lastly, like the same old days, may you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos. (-.-)
About the Speed of Thought & Human Language
Jan 25, 2011
Many people like to think that I think too much, think too hard, or think too far. Let me tell you honestly my dear friends: All my thoughts came from my own intuition that happened in seconds -- I never think about them deliberately; it just came out like that. In order to convey them to you, however, I have to use human logical-base language to inform you, which makes you think that I think a lot. (-.-)
NOTE: To come out with my own answer, it happens in seconds; but to write in your understandable language, I need to take longer than that, especially when you want me to write in English -- human language communication is linear time-and-space oriented. (-.-)
About the ‘Majority’ defined by Human Beings
Jan 25, 2011
If you want me to accept the majority on this planet, then how can I reject the far greater majority in the cosmos? (-.-)
About the ‘New Age Religion’ Perception in Many
Jan 25, 2011
It's not "NEW AGE". It's simply because the systems that you worship never told you before while on the other hand you against them now with the same way they taught you before. It's not OLDER, neither it's OLDEST, it's all the while existed, even within you and me except being blocked by the teachings of the systems, keeping it undetected. (-.-)
It's too ego and too unreasonable to judge something as "NEW" simply because we had never seen it before. (-.-)
My True Feeling to Earthlings
Jan 25, 2011
Dear Ones, the more I feel sad, the more truth that I wanted to tell you. And the more truth I want to tell you, the more sad I feel. I love you. (-.-)
About questioning the authorities for Truth
Jan 26, 2011
When you began to question who you elected, it's time to question yourself; otherwise you will continue to question all other future presidents/politicians that you're going to elect without having any single right answer even after you have left this world. (-.-)
Reducing karma through detachment
Jan 27, 2011
Whoever attempt to attach to you (by hoping to capitalize human emotional relationship for some social benefits), just say "No thank you". (-.-)
Beware of the Wisely-sound Unwise Words
Jan 27, 2011
"Survival of the Fittest" -- Only the darkest mind make it. Stop corrupting human mind with your wisely-sound unwise words of selfishness. LET US SURVIVE TOGETHER THROUGH LOVING EACH OTHER TRUTHFULLY WITH WISDOM! They're trying to tell you that they deserved to be the global elites!
The best entertainment in overcoming boredom
Jan 27, 2011
Your creativity is the best way for you to enjoy the most unusual stuffs on this planet and also the most effective way to overcome your boredom -- not watching TV. (-.-) Whenever you feel boring, try to create something for your own usage. REMEMBER: Not for others to praise you but solely for your own usage.
Antibiotic of your Mind
Jan 27, 2011
Poor at inside, seduced by outside. Rich at inside, all outside seductions are just illusions. (-.-)
“Antonio, are you really having problem with this world? If yes, just get out of my life and kill yourself! Easy settlement!”
Jan 27, 2011
No, I don't really have problem with your world, just that I saw you humans fixing problems longer than enjoying solutions. Worse of all, many of you really spent your whole life fixing your own and someone else problems until you really think that life is all about solving problems -- It's because creating problems make your world leaders rich, it's not because solving problems is your life. (-.-)
About the global initiatives of acquiring clean energy technology from Extra-terrestrial Life
Jan 27, 2011
The key question is NOT how to acquire clean energy technology or why we should use clean energy. The KEY QUESTION is what leads us in need of such amount of energy of which traditional energy production (small amount of energy output) had no longer suitable "for your current social needs and lifestyle". Think about it people. Don't get it wrong again. (-.-)
Give you a hint:
You really think that your family camp fire can pollute the Earth? Or the mass production of automobiles, electrical devices, manufacturing machineries, and military weapons pollute the Earth? You can't have clean energy to produce military weapons because this is extremely stupid and contradictory of which you can never manufacture the weapons without activating them forever OR, activating them without polluting the Earth!
Change your world first, change your people's mind-set first, change your people's perception first, then only figure out whether clean energy is a CHALLENGE, or a NEED. (-.-)
New World Order – Is it solely the conspiracy of global elites or a hidden secret within ourselves or BOTH?
Jan 27, 2011
It's pretty hard for you guys to see the whole picture on what's wrong with the world and humanity if none are willing to let go of their current social lifestyle -- you need the ELITES to maintain what you're having now. You just can't say that you want your toaster, your TV, your fridge, your cars and your cool looking mobile phone but you do not want the elites to control and enslave you. There is no way for that. (-.-)
NOTE: You need to be mentally ready to detach from all their non-senses as early as you can, leaving as few little things as possible that necessarily enough for you to "play the game with them". As such, then only your mind can become clearer and clearer without fear of losing anything luxury/redundant possessions (which might end up leading yourself back in depending on them for survival). (-.-)
Thank you for your warm wishes, I really mean EVERYONE. This year, 2011, it's totally out of my anticipation that my incoming birthday wishes are unprecedentedly overwhelming yet truthfully sincere. Here, I sense the acceleration of the awaken energies of ONE rather than just a typical birthday wish of NORM because those who knew me, most of them knew me through the resonance of their awaken energy of light rather than through my name of illusion. (-.-)
This note, is a PROOF, if you really like one. This note is a proof of consciousness demonstrating the manifestation of cosmic oneness. This note, is the consciousness that triggered by my emotional body by telling me that such a high vibrating birthday wish of love can no longer suitable to be responded solely through these two simple words: "Thank you".
Yes, some of you may still think that your birthday wish to me was just merely following the typical traditional social practice, nothing more. You may also think that I like to ASSUME your intention behind all your actions. But I can tell you that my dear brothers and sisters -- I ASSUME so that you can RESUME. (-.-) I assume so that you can resume to the right journey of light through the 'Seed of Doubt', as what my brother Terry Simkins shared with me with this term. The 'Seed of Doubt', is the seed that grows your consciousness through questioning your inner self. If it's being ignored, then I can assure you, it's being ignored by the corrupted society of darkness but not the REAL YOU OF WISDOM!
This is therefore we're being so patient to wait for your 'arrival' to join us in the land of joy. If we're impatient, then this can only be the evidence of showing that we have no difference from those who're still innocently asleep -- we're also being fooled of the illusive side of yours rather than your true self of light!
Dear Ones, if you want to know the true meaning behind my birth date, January 13, 1971, then I believe this note should be self-explanatory. May my birth on this planet helps blessing everyone here through the supreme love and truth of the cosmos... (-.-)