Monday, August 23, 2010

BE FORMLESS: What did Bruce Lee really mean by that?

Dear Ones,

I believe many of you did come across the famous Bruce Lee's "Water Philosophy" below:

Many of you do like his quote, but to be honest, do you really understand the real underlying meaning behind this quote? You may think that water is formless and you may also know that what Bruce Lee attempted to advise us is to be AGILE and FLEXIBLE. But water is just an example given by him, it doesn't mean water is the only thing that can be used to convey his meaning.

Here, I would like to go a little further in explaining the meaning of FORMLESS by Bruce Lee:

FORMLESS by Bruce Lee doesn't always mean 'shapeless' and 'water' is not the only metaphor to describe it. Formless can be a constantly changing shape, nature, and its material according to the right time at the right place with the right opponent. For example, while behaving like water, the elites may be able to control your flow using the mineral called 'iron piping system', therefore at this moment, you can transform yourself into 'fire' to melt the iron/steel. When you turn yourself into fire, they may once again trying to eliminate you by using water, then you can change yourself into steel. Just when you have changed yourself into steel, they may want to use fire to melt you. As such, you can now change yourself into water again. When you're able to be as agile as that extent, then you're FORMLESS at its TOTALITY. People who're too EGO may be losing this natural ability out human's spiritual power because of the prejudice that they're trying to defend. For example, "I don't believe that water cannot fight steel!" or "I want to prove to them that steel can fight fire!" and so on.

bruce_lee_jkd In Tao, other than Yin-Yang, some of you may also learn about the co-relation between Mineral, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth (金、木、水、火、土), then the above explanation will be the Yin-Yang among those 5 elements on how ones can spiritually sharp enough to play with these 5 elements in the right time, at the right place, with the right opponent. This is being a FORM of FORMLESS and being a FORMLESS of FORM. This is also very much similar to what I meant by 'Permanency of the Impermanent' so to speak and this is also when you began to turn yourself into 'multidimensional'.

However, Dear Ones, all these are 4th dimension consciousness and once misuse it, it will end up like the world that we're currently living in today. Likewise, if you use it for the balance and peace of the cosmos, including the beauty of the planet Earth, then you're in 5th dimension consciousness or beyond at the same time being multidimensional from 1D through 9D because you see it as the whole beauty of the totality rather than for the sole advantage of your personal agenda. If you abuse it, as I mentioned in my earlier blog (shown below), you will eventually fall back to 3D because when any of the deceptive thought began in your mind, self-limitation occurs and you began to narrow down your mind for your own selfishness -- this makes your knowledge of the cosmic law mentioned above NOT FULLY FUNCTIONAL because you no longer be able to see the whole picture and overlook certain important factors that make it works. Hence, you will fall into the self-destructive state again -- this is the whole cycle of it.

Therefore Dear Ones, be FORMLESS, for its whole nature is to balance up the beautiful state of the cosmos, not to create imbalance for the deceptive agenda of any.

Namaste. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

The Common Teaching between Buddha and Pleiadians on ‘Rebirth’


obama_hitler_yes_we_can 古人虽云:「天下大势,合久必分,分久必合」,而禅,就是以整体性的宇宙真理,让众生悟出二元对立所产生的分、合幻觉,把众生带回无分无合的真实境界 -- 「本无分隔,何来聚合?」



obama_hitler 为王者,既然自称为王,那又何必乞求他人的存在方能为王?名为「杀一儆百」,实为「求众赐衔」之举也。赐者惧,受者愚也。与此同时,愚者亦惧、惧者亦愚也;两者彼此互相崇拜又嫉恨,皆为二元对立的虚幻所迷惑,奏成千古不变的因果轮回。



~ 延征 (-.-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Your Difficulty Is My Difficulty (-.-)

延征(三) One of the biggest obstacles that prevents human beings from being awaken is EGO, and being proud of their research over the New World Order conspiracies is one of it. What all the researches are going to prove, ultimately, is how the global elites lied to the people all over world for their own secret agendas, but it can never prove to one self on how they lie to themselves for their personal desire of illusion. In other words, especially in the democratic countries like United States of America, United Kingdom, and Malaysia where people elected their own leaders based on their own free will, conducting research in figuring out how the elites lie to the people in the country is just an effort of going through a one whole big cycle without touching the truth of their inner selves – because the existence of such leader is part of their creation. They only dare to pin-point the darkness of their leaders, but they never dare to face their own inner darkness of ego. They only regret on a specific leader that they had chosen, but they never regret on their evil will in getting someone to serve them.

We should have been awaken, even before the BP Oil Spill, therefore the research on BP Oil Spill conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the 9/11 incident, therefore the research on 9/11 conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the Swine Flu outbreak, therefore the research on H1N1 conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the Chemtrail phenomenon, therefore the research on Chemtrail conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the World War I and World War II, therefore the research on World War I & II conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even when the neighborhood stealing our chicken, therefore the research on the stolen chicken is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. It is because of lacking of our ‘inner research’, this is why it leads to more countless ‘outer research’ that needs to be done. If we continue to perform an ‘outward research’ without spending more time on our ‘inward research’, then there will be more amount of research awaiting us to perform without getting any problems resolved – or else what do think that makes the conspiracy unstoppable until today without having anyone awaken even though many researches had been done for centuries to uncover the ‘truth’? Did the Buddha require the biological research on “birth, aging, sickness, and death” (生、老、病、死) before he can awake? Did the Buddha require the psychological research on “greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt” (贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑) in order for him to be awaken? – It is all about inner awareness and self-consciousness; it has nothing to do with how other outer forces trying to cheat you, enslave you, and destroy you – they can’t destroy you without having you destroying yourself because they need you to destroy something that destroy them, including you and their own selves – they’re self-destruction. (-.-)

My Facebook group had been ran for many years and its size is still remain small – only 456 members to-date while the total number of friends in my network is 1,850 plus, all invited. Perhaps my words are not being welcomed by many. However, deep inside my heart, I know very well about the problems happening in this world – the power of the darkness came from 6.8 billion people in this world, or else it can never be such powerful. The difficulty is not to awake the few millions on the top of pyramid, the difficulty is to awake the 6 billions at the bottom of the pyramid.

The awakening process is a difficult one. It involves a very painful experience, even more painful than being tortured by the enslavement of the elites, that is to face the inner darkness of one self. It is very hard for one self to discover and accept his/her own ugliness. Even when they have discovered it, they will break the mirror so that they will never witness their own ugliness again and continue to assume they’re the prettiest in the world. Their research is to prove on how the elites never promise to deliver what they want, but it can never prove why they should not want over what they want, which will eventually lead to what they really do not want.

While doing their research, they continue to work as a slave day-by-day, taking loans from the bank to buy house and car, driving their car that filled with air polluting petrol, sending their kids to the brainwashing school, having sex with their partner for the biological sensation of joy, shopping for elegant looking stuffs for the satisfaction of their ego, and when comes to the next election, they will continue to choose their leader again. After choosing their new leader, they will continue to perform their great research again, again and again, again and again. I know many will still disagree with me by giving me the reason of survival, of which this reason can also be used for my own reason for survival as well, but it is the reason of such that keeps the ball rolling, non-stop.

Some may think that I’m still single at my age of 39, going to be 40, is due to my incompatible thoughts with many of the opposite sex, but instead of saying ‘incompatible thought’, I would rather choose to say that “I’m awaken”.  (-.-) Some may think that I’m anti-social and not willing to mix up with people, but I would rather choose to say that “I’m not part of the illusion”. (-.-) Some may think that I do not know how to enjoy life, but I would rather choose to say that “My joy is from within, not from without”. (-.-) Some may also choose to say that I’m lazy to work, but I would rather choose to say that “I only work hard on something that is the most necessary for the the balance of the totality”. (-.-)

I’m not who I’m, but I’m the everything of all. As such, your difficulty is my difficulty. My love to you is unseen through the interpretation of your ego, like how you misinterpret your love to your own self. As such, your difficulty is my difficulty. Unfortunately, your difficulty can only be resolved by your own self instead of me, therefore, your difficulty is also my difficulty – It is simply because: WE ARE ALL OF ONE. (-.-)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

BIG JOKE: Learning Spirituality Through Religion

About Religions Learning spirituality through religion is like having a mindset of "taking a meal MUST go to the restaurant" -- why you can't cook it yourself at home instead? If your spirit is not with you, what's the point of going to church/temple? If your spirit is always be with you, is it necessary for you to go to the church/temple? As such, in either reason, YOU DO NOT NEED RELIGION.

Therefore, having a church/temple of any religions has no difference from any other commercialization -- they destroy the resources and the rights for you to have them all by yourselves so that you can only consume them as products and/or services from others via monetary system by agreeing yourselves to be a slave first and foremost in order to work for money -- or else how can they make you feel that there is a need for you to go to the church/temple if they don't break your spirit through slavery in the first place? Meanwhile, they also understand very very well that religion is not truly a right way to heal your spirit as well as waking you up, otherwise how can they make this ‘demand’ a long-term one?

When there is no demand, they will create it.

Namaste. (-.-)

Science & Spirituality

ayurveda_17 Dear Ones,

While posted the following quote on my Facebook wall, some of my friends find it curious and would to know how I'm going to teach Information Technology in a Spiritual way:

"My Multidimension Training Center will be opening soon -- Teaching the 'truth' of Information Technology in a Spiritual Way. (-.-)"

Therefore, I thought it would be good for me to share with everybody here to inspire greater light and hence higher vibration frequency around the world:

If everything is Gaia and Gaia is everything; if everything is energy and energy is everything, there are nothing can never be taught through spirituality -- through metaphor, because all things in the universe have the common behavior of ONENESS. (^_^)

Give you an example from my previous post:

"DATABASE DESIGN: When come to a situation where you can only choose between PERFORMANCE and INTEGRITY, choose INTEGRITY, why? When integrity lost, performance boosts the amount of violated data. While higher integrity requires more resources, it's the integrity that is causing the performance issue or your budget does not meet the system requirements?

When the integrity lost, it is the system requirements that causing you more money or the stopping of business operation that is causing you more money? Never look at matters in an isolated manner. Always look at the relationship between two matters or more as NOTHING IS ISOLATED IN THIS WORLD. (-.-)"

Therefore, "NOTHING IS ISOLATED IN THIS WORLD" is the key teaching rather than solely Information Technology. Without realizing this in mind, nothing can be done in a proper manner -- this is why the corruption issues of mankind had been last for thousands of years and can never be resolved until today. It is due to the DUALITY that separates human perspectives for the sake of self interests. Therefore SELFISHNESS makes humans look at problems in an isolated way -- the way that only benefiting to them.

Due to this reason, INTEGRITY and PERFORMANCE in terms of database design are just like the integrity of humanity versus the growth of human population. The faster the population grows without proper teaching of human integrity through future generations, the more serious that the corruption of human society will be -- the world filled up with corrupted population rather than humans with high integrity. As such, would you rather choose fast growing human population without integrity or slow growing with higher integrity? Why slower growth for higher integrity? -- If it is for sex and social needs, it would be fast; if it is of true chemistry reaction of love and synchronization of consciousness level, it would be slow, or perhaps you can't even find one in your whole life. If there is NO TRUE LOVE, don't follow the norm to get married and make children until the world started to realize what life really mean to them and the Earth.

By the way, do you know why everyone wants the system to perform faster? -- Because they want to earn money faster more than the integrity. This includes both the integrity of mankind and system database. This is how science, together with money, blind-folding the human souls.

Dear Ones, while you think the river rushing down from the mountain day and night never change, it changes more often than you think -- or else how it rushes down from the mountain? While you think it keep changing its own state in order to flow from top to the bottom, the totality of its ever-changing state that balance it up by itself with other Earth elements will never change. (-.-)

But when you look at it in the chemistry, mathematics, and physics point of view, you'll no longer be able to see the whole beauty of it -- this is how science prevents humans from looking at the whole beauty of life and nature in a spiritual way -- you can't value nature when you can only see them as science rather than life. This is why science take human beings and animals as experiment; this is why science can lead to the inventions of weapons to destroy life. (-.-)

Dear Ones, while you're considering about the possibility for the advance light beings of other world to be the scientifically advance while spiritually conscious and awake without destroying the whole beauty of the nature, please take my following quote into consideration as well:

"If you look at science in a spiritual way, you use science in a right way; if you look at spirituality in a scientific way, you use science in a wrong way."

Namaste. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Your Earth is their Lab, Your Soul is their Pet (-.-)

61015-03 Dear Ones,

Got to know, your Earth had been treated as a Bio-chemistry Lab and you're the guinea pigs of this lab since eons ago until today. You had been genetically modified through emotional manipulation and the bio-chemical equipments used for such experiment are fire weapons for fear and obedience, entertainments and holographic images for excitement and brainwashing, monetary system for jealousy, hatred, and human unity prevention, education for spirituality disconnection and to produce manpower and slaves for all the above experiments.

Other 'chemicals' used in this lab are like fluoride, chemtrails, vaccines, and more of such through your DAILY consumption in your commercial products. Seek no fear, your high vibration energy frequency of love and spiritual consciousness will protect you from these bio-chemical reactions and we, including YOU, are here to neutralize these reactions into its original neutral state of peace and harmony. (-.-)

It is time to stop yourselves from participating into this experiment of ignorance. If you find it hard to stop yourselves immediately, try to consider my approach of how I made my spiritual self survived in this lab of darkness:

You can close your eyes, but don't add fire

However, do not blindly follow my approach, just take it as your own reference and feel free to exercise your own by taking into considerations your own personal factors, family factors, environmental factors, time factors, and government factors in achieving the fundamental bottom-line -- Don't supply 'materials' for the use of their Lab.

Dear Ones, let us work closely once again, together, we turn the Bio-Chemistry Lab into the Heaven of Wisdom and Light by the year 2012.

Namaste. (-.-)


Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Common Teaching between Buddha and Pleiadians on ‘Rebirth’

600px-Dharma_Wheel.svg Before I start, I would like to clarify the following:

Proof is a legacy of 3rd dimensional dualistic consciousness. If 3D consciousness can be used to prove 5D or above consciousness, then you don't even need to prove anything at all when 3D can understand 5D. This can never happen if you keep perceiving/interpreting 5D in the 3D point of view – but deep inside your inner self, lies within 1D through 9D multi-dimensional consciousness that awaits you to be discovered. (-.-)

Due to 4D close to 3D, 3D worship 4D, like 2D animals worship 3D human beings, while there are also 3D that attempt to learn 4D consciousness on how to manipulate 3D consciousness. 4D and 5D, however, have a very slight difference except in terms of agenda. 4D ascends to 5D when the consciousness was being applied on love and light. 4D descends back to 3D when the consciousness was being applied on darkness and deception -- they fell back into the duality again. 3D will also fall back to 2D when their vibration is getting lower and lower after being a slave and ignorance for too long. However, 2D may also ascend back to 3D when they never complied to 3D orders and prefer to live in wild and free.

Your level of consciousness will bring you to a right physical shell that suits its vibration energy frequency after your spirit has left your human body. For example, if you only believe in fear and being obedient is the only way to calm you down, then a sheep or cow might be a suitable physical shell to fit into the consciousness level of your spirit. In this life, you came as a human has three possibilities:

  1. Your spiritual consciousness had been raised because you learned a lot while living as an animal;
  2. Your spiritual consciousness remain the same while living as a 3D human being in your past life;
  3. You came from higher dimensional world but due to two reasons:
    • You abuse your level of consciousness by manipulating the lower level conscious beings instead of raising them up;
    • Your dramatic emotion of love and compassion over the suffering of lower level unconscious beings lead to the synchronization between your spiritual energy frequency with the human body.

Another example will be like some of the 5th dimension (5D) Pleiadians who are not living in a physical shell because their spiritual energy frequency is too high until it can melt the biological cells that host it -- they're self-sustainable without relying on physical shell to live on. The orbs that you see in the skies are not really alien spacecrafts but their spiritual energies. Those higher dimensional light beings are not always visiting us with spacecraft.

This is how the levels of consciousness work based on the cosmic energy manifestation principle. Physical shell is nothing but just a biological construct with DNA that suitable to the vibration frequency of its spiritual energy, like normal plastic only suitable to store water whereas specially made plastic container can only be used to store petrol. When the petrol starts burning, it can either be compressed within a suitable mineral container or leave it evaporating in the air.

All this is Gaia. In reality, the levels of consciousness are just happening as they are and cannot be seen by the naked eyes or quantified by a logical left brain (scientific theory) or super computer. And of course, it does not really have a clearly defined or definite borders to separate them from one dimension to another during its actually manifestation as all the causes and effects (karma) are affected by too many factors interconnected become one in the cosmos. The word ‘dimension’ is just being used to facilitate explanation in the 3D realm of consciousness. The true higher dimension consciousness still need to be felt and experienced by oneself through meditation, practice on Zen Living, or referred by Pleiadians as ‘Staying Grounded’. 

As such, I see Buddha and Pleiadians as nothing but just the spiritual light beings that are absolutely self-aware and self-conscious of their true essence of existence. However, according to my study, Buddha was also known as a light being from the 8th dimension Vega planet of Galactic Federation. But for the sake of your true awakening experiences, I suggest that you don’t bother too much about all these names and terminologies and get distracted by them because the more you think of them, the more you fall yourself apart from the reality of cosmic energy and spirituality. Just spend more time with yourself, doing more housework, and interacting more often with the mother nature, such as bringing your pet for a walk, cutting woods in the jungle, planting vegetables, getting your hands dirty on soils, and paying full concentration on every single thing that you do with the mother nature – you will be able to figure out something one day.

Namaste. (-.-)

Great Disappointment over Earth 2.0 and Venus Project

Earth2Deception Dear Ones,

Today, it's a great disappointment to me over the unchanged consciousness of Venus Project manifested by their Earth 2.0 funding plan. In the past few months, someone already alerted me about Venus Project as one of the deceptions of New World Order but I didn't listen because I never foresee that until I saw their following post today:

Earth 2.0 – Phase Shift

I never expected that those who greatly against monetary system are vastly depending on monetary system to achieve their so called 'Revolution of Human Consciousness' -- this can never happen. (-.-)

Dear Ones, while MONETARY SYSTEM is being driven by DUALITY, there won't be a great revolution of consciousness when Earth 2.0 movie is invested and supported by DUALITY. Where come millions of dollars if there's no at least thousands of slavery? As such, how can Earth 2.0 changes human consciousness when the source of its support came from SLAVERY? If it's not of profitability, why not using the word DONATION rather than INVESTMENT? If there's no expected returns out of payers' payouts, why named them as 'investors'? Why are they CAPITALIZING MONETARY SYSTEM while CRITICIZING MONETARY SYSTEM? You may want to tell me that in the current transition period, MONEY is inevitable for the success of such revolution -- Let me tell you people: When you use the COMMERCIALIZATION and INVESTOR APPROACH to fight for this change, you're generating the same kind of vibration back to this world because COMMERCIALIZATION and INVESTMENT require the same KIND to be returned in order for them to continue running! If Earth 2.0 and Venus Project started with the help of these two, it has to be ended with same consequences of what these two entities had brought to this world! This is the truth of interlocking karma that can never be changed by anyone in this universe for this is how cosmic energies manipulate by itself. Only when humans started to aware of themselves as a cosmic energy and manifest according to its nature, then only all sorts of unwanted sadness can be prevented.

Now they're mixing "Money and Beauty" with the words "Wealth and Beauty". If all things are equal, why are they still needing money as the measurement to the value of the existence of all things? -- THERE CAN NEVER BE BEAUTY WHEN WEALTH IS STILL IN THE DESIRE OF MAN KIND. Worst thing is, they're using the name of 'GAIA' like how they use the name of 'GOD' when they don't even know one. If they do know, then they must be taking advantage of the ignorance of the public over the truth of Gaia. As I mentioned before, what you believe, they abuse it. In addition, they're hoping to gain deeper trust and belief from the public through the WORSHIP MECHANISM by throwing the name of Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. Rachel Armstrong, Graham Hancock, and Lynn Margulis. Dear Ones, I have to say 'sorry' to them that I don't recognize PHYSICAL ENTITIES, I only recognize ENERGY FREQUENCIES and how they MANIFEST it. (-.-)

Here, I would like to apologize to those of my friends who advised me on Venus Project and Earth 2.0 as one of the New World Order's agendas as I don't simply accept things when I don't feel it myself. However, I started to detect the low vibration frequency of deception when I heard the word 'MONEY' out of their own publication, especially when MONEY is what they against the most.

As such, dear Ones, the most practical and grounded thing for us to do now is to LIVE WITHOUT DEPENDENCY -- we do not need ANY SYSTEM, we only need higher vibration energy of LOVE and COMPASSION through our AWAKEN SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS. If you really need an organization for all our fellow human souls to be united as ONE, then COSMOS is our organization, spiritual energies are the members of our organization, and LOVE and WISDOM are our manifestos. If this cannot do better for every life form, nothing can.

“When the fire started from fuels, it can never be ended by fuels.”

Namaste. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

P/S: Beware of some groups and individuals who like to deceptively start from higher vibration frequency and slowly end with lower vibration frequency by hoping that you'll not aware of it. (-.-)

(WARNING: View it WISELY with your mind.)
Earth 2.0 Finds Its Own Way

Thursday, August 12, 2010


延征(三) Dear Ones,

Many of you may encounter some people who always attempt to deny the truth that you're spreading and by illusion, it may look like they're working for the dark forces in blocking your lights -- not really, it's because their inner darkness had been capitalized by the corrupted social system that makes them drive by themselves to against you. This is why when you ask who order them to do that, the answer is usually: "Myself! I'm nobody's slave and you're wrong!"

You may also find some of them who called themselves as 'truth seeker' or 'lightworker', with the Facebook's common friends up 700 or more in their network, but from the way I tested their consciousness, they're just another victim of their own darkness. Yes, some may be bribed by the elites, but this is also due to their inner darkness and self-unawareness that lead them to this mistake. In this universe, none that who are highly self-conscious, can be bribed.

Many like to compare themselves with the 2D animals when they want to forgive their own darkness, but when you try to compare their intelligence with an animal, they'll shoot you upside-down, why? This is solely EGO, nothing else. Someone told me that all species that have the metabolism are fear of death for the sake of survival. As such, this also implies that it's OK to be bribed due to fear, like you give foods to elephants in the circus so that they can do as you told in order for you to earn big money or else they'll eat your cane; but when those people being bribed to commit something inhuman or betraying the human soul and you ask them not to behave like an animal, they will out of the sudden become very defensive -- "Fuck you! You're the animal! Not me!" Dear Ones, this is how humans contradict themselves with the poison of duality while protecting their ego for nothing but illusion. (-.-)

To our cosmic point of view, being paid to commit crime and being paid to work in the office from 9-5 are the same -- both are being bribed to betray their own soul and to sell their own freedom away for the reinforcement of the dark system -- because the system needs you play the dualistic roles to make them functional, such as crime and non-crime, bad and good, pretty and ugly, cheap and expensive, clever and stupid, modern and old fashion, demons and angels, darkness and light, devils and Gods etc. However, you may wonder why we sometimes like to use the word 'darkness' or 'dark forces', wouldn't we also fell into the trap of duality? No, first, this is because human beings used to use the word 'darkness' to represent 'unconscious', therefore to facilitate explanation, we also use this word, very much similar to the reason of using the words '3rd dimension', '5th dimension' and so on; second, the peacefulness of the cosmos need to be achieved with the balance of both darkness and light. Overuse the advantage of darkness through deceptive manipulation will create a great imbalance between darkness and light. This is therefore we, as the members of the family of light, accept the use of 'darkness' for our explanations. On the other hand, however, when we use the word 'light', we're actually referring to the BALANCE BETWEEN DARKNESS AND LIGHT because for a healthy and peaceful state of mind, darkness and light need to be felt and seen CONCURRENTLY, very much like the way you enjoy the beautiful moonlight and starlight in the darkest night.

Now back to the topic that we were discussing just now. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, the human dilemma that you're currently facing now is far more simple than you think it is when you're solving it from the ROOT rather than seeing them in the form of LEAFS as the complexity of leafs grow from the source of root, and the ROOT, is our MIND. So what are those 'leafs' that we're talking about? They're your political issues, religion issues, economical issues, scientific issues, social issues, family issues, relationship issues and so on -- ALL CAME FROM THE SAME ROOT, that is the dualistic perception that opposing each other, caused by the same inner darkness, for the common goals in life. As such, it is indeed that none of our inner darkness are being capitalized by a specific dark forces, such as the so called 'Illuminati', 'Reptilians', or 'Global Elites' but WE ARE CAPITALIZING EACH OTHER'S INNER DARKNESS TO EMPOWER THE SYSTEM OF DARKNESS to be more precise. They're not interested to earn your respect, they're only interested to raise your EGO no matter how much you hate them because your EGO is the most effective mean for them to enslave you. How? The more you think you're working and fighting hard for yourself, the more power they gain from you. And the more you want to be special than others, the more you separate from others and the less united among ourselves. This is also one of the key reasons why nobody think that they're slaves while their inner darkness is enslaving themselves without a direct order from any parties, including the global elites -- this is why they don't mind making it DEMOCRATIC by letting you to choose your own leader to serve, but they will make sure that you will serve them back 10 times of how they serve you -- they're not serving you, they're capitalizing the inner darkness of each of your to serve each other based on the hierarchical pyramid ruling structure.

Dear Ones, it is sad to tell you that all your efforts to fight for the light will go into the drain if you keep pushing your inner darkness to the entities that outside of you. If you continue to do that, you will never be able to discover your TRUE SELF because you keep looking OUTWARDS. Even when I formed the Facebook Fan Page called 'Skyline: Don't look up, or they'll lose power', my true intention is to enlighten you not to use your eyes to control your mind but to use your mind to control your eyes. It wasn't an intention for you to keep blaming the entities that are outside of you. I do not want them to continue preventing you from looking into your inner self to discover, both your inner darkness and light.

Dear Ones, always remember:

"HUMAN DARKNESS CAPITALIZATION: A Perfect Order Without Ordering -- We're only the slave of our own darkness"

Namaste. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

POEM: 2012 (-.-)

POEM - 2012

Duality misleads humanity,
polluted mind spans through generations.

Dark clouds covering lights,
frustration all over the crowd.

Lights gradually vanish,
dark clouds thorn Gaia.

Gaia awakes with no mercy,
2012 arrives.

Life forms nowhere to fear,
they see lights within.

Lights shine all over,
it's neither color nor light*.

~ Yan-Zheng (-.-)

* Then only I realize they're neither colors nor lights but nothingness. (-.-)

You can close your eyes, but don't add fire

Fire_Fighting Dear Ones,

Some choose not to wake up because they dare not face the world as HELL once they awake -- they're just pretending to be asleep. They may be knowing/feeling more than you do and this could be the reason why they're so afraid of waking up. I don't really care whether they're pretending or not, but I do care when both of them are adding fire to the HELL in one hand while closing their eyes with the other hand. (-.-)

You can close your eyes, but please don't add fire. (-.-)


1. Show off your talents that illusively sound working for their agenda but actually contributing to human awakening in real. This is what I usually did throughout my career journey by sucking the stolen energy from them back to me, not only for survival but also for the spiritual awakening of humanity as a whole. If you're scientists or politicians who're half asleep half awake, I strongly encourage you to do that -- without them realizing. Even though I'm disclosing this, they won't be able to detect it when such divine plan is really happening around them because it is their own darkness that's blocking their eyes from seeing the lights. If they're able to detect it, they need to have certain amount of lights to uncover your divine plan. But by the time when they have such amount of lights, you wouldn't need to do this anymore. (-.-)

2. Deposit your 'energy' to their 'energy bank' but never 'borrow energy' from them or use the 'energy spending card'. When they can only pay you the 'interest of energy' but not able to suck the 'interests of energy' from you and everyone of us, this marks the end of their 'energy sucking system'. By the time they're not able to pay you the 'energy of illusion', you've already live in abundance through the energy earned prior to end of the system + savings that due to not paying the redundant energy of interest and excessive spending with the energy spending cards. At that moment, share your abundance and happiness equally with others, especially the poor. Together, we share the common goal in life with peace, truthfulness, and joy.

3. Enjoy their creativity, but not their deception behind their creativity. Play and watch in FREE without paying anything, including your blindness and worship. Beware of sub-consciousness brainwashing technique.

In short, if they want to play illusion, play illusion with them but manifest your spiritual consciousness in your own reality. This is how you can gradually turn the illusion of darkness into the reality of light -- this is how you can close your eyes without adding fire. (-.-)

Dear Ones, this is VITAL IMPORTANCE because the more fire you add, the more will continue to be asleep and not dare to awake. When the more continue to be asleep, the more fire will be added again and another more will continue be asleep. This will be an endless cycle of darkness if nobody is going to do anything about it. To ensure the END OF HELL FIRE, you only need to stop adding fire if not able to fight the fire because FIRE, no matter how hard it burns, if nothing assisting it from burning, it will definitely grow smaller and smaller until it stops burning.

Don't be a fuel, if we cannot be a fire fighter. (-.-)

