Thursday, August 19, 2010

Your Difficulty Is My Difficulty (-.-)

延征(三) One of the biggest obstacles that prevents human beings from being awaken is EGO, and being proud of their research over the New World Order conspiracies is one of it. What all the researches are going to prove, ultimately, is how the global elites lied to the people all over world for their own secret agendas, but it can never prove to one self on how they lie to themselves for their personal desire of illusion. In other words, especially in the democratic countries like United States of America, United Kingdom, and Malaysia where people elected their own leaders based on their own free will, conducting research in figuring out how the elites lie to the people in the country is just an effort of going through a one whole big cycle without touching the truth of their inner selves – because the existence of such leader is part of their creation. They only dare to pin-point the darkness of their leaders, but they never dare to face their own inner darkness of ego. They only regret on a specific leader that they had chosen, but they never regret on their evil will in getting someone to serve them.

We should have been awaken, even before the BP Oil Spill, therefore the research on BP Oil Spill conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the 9/11 incident, therefore the research on 9/11 conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the Swine Flu outbreak, therefore the research on H1N1 conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the Chemtrail phenomenon, therefore the research on Chemtrail conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even before the World War I and World War II, therefore the research on World War I & II conspiracy is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. We should have been awaken, even when the neighborhood stealing our chicken, therefore the research on the stolen chicken is not a necessity in contributing to our awakening. It is because of lacking of our ‘inner research’, this is why it leads to more countless ‘outer research’ that needs to be done. If we continue to perform an ‘outward research’ without spending more time on our ‘inward research’, then there will be more amount of research awaiting us to perform without getting any problems resolved – or else what do think that makes the conspiracy unstoppable until today without having anyone awaken even though many researches had been done for centuries to uncover the ‘truth’? Did the Buddha require the biological research on “birth, aging, sickness, and death” (生、老、病、死) before he can awake? Did the Buddha require the psychological research on “greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt” (贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑) in order for him to be awaken? – It is all about inner awareness and self-consciousness; it has nothing to do with how other outer forces trying to cheat you, enslave you, and destroy you – they can’t destroy you without having you destroying yourself because they need you to destroy something that destroy them, including you and their own selves – they’re self-destruction. (-.-)

My Facebook group had been ran for many years and its size is still remain small – only 456 members to-date while the total number of friends in my network is 1,850 plus, all invited. Perhaps my words are not being welcomed by many. However, deep inside my heart, I know very well about the problems happening in this world – the power of the darkness came from 6.8 billion people in this world, or else it can never be such powerful. The difficulty is not to awake the few millions on the top of pyramid, the difficulty is to awake the 6 billions at the bottom of the pyramid.

The awakening process is a difficult one. It involves a very painful experience, even more painful than being tortured by the enslavement of the elites, that is to face the inner darkness of one self. It is very hard for one self to discover and accept his/her own ugliness. Even when they have discovered it, they will break the mirror so that they will never witness their own ugliness again and continue to assume they’re the prettiest in the world. Their research is to prove on how the elites never promise to deliver what they want, but it can never prove why they should not want over what they want, which will eventually lead to what they really do not want.

While doing their research, they continue to work as a slave day-by-day, taking loans from the bank to buy house and car, driving their car that filled with air polluting petrol, sending their kids to the brainwashing school, having sex with their partner for the biological sensation of joy, shopping for elegant looking stuffs for the satisfaction of their ego, and when comes to the next election, they will continue to choose their leader again. After choosing their new leader, they will continue to perform their great research again, again and again, again and again. I know many will still disagree with me by giving me the reason of survival, of which this reason can also be used for my own reason for survival as well, but it is the reason of such that keeps the ball rolling, non-stop.

Some may think that I’m still single at my age of 39, going to be 40, is due to my incompatible thoughts with many of the opposite sex, but instead of saying ‘incompatible thought’, I would rather choose to say that “I’m awaken”.  (-.-) Some may think that I’m anti-social and not willing to mix up with people, but I would rather choose to say that “I’m not part of the illusion”. (-.-) Some may think that I do not know how to enjoy life, but I would rather choose to say that “My joy is from within, not from without”. (-.-) Some may also choose to say that I’m lazy to work, but I would rather choose to say that “I only work hard on something that is the most necessary for the the balance of the totality”. (-.-)

I’m not who I’m, but I’m the everything of all. As such, your difficulty is my difficulty. My love to you is unseen through the interpretation of your ego, like how you misinterpret your love to your own self. As such, your difficulty is my difficulty. Unfortunately, your difficulty can only be resolved by your own self instead of me, therefore, your difficulty is also my difficulty – It is simply because: WE ARE ALL OF ONE. (-.-)

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