Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Common Teaching between Buddha and Pleiadians on ‘Rebirth’

600px-Dharma_Wheel.svg Before I start, I would like to clarify the following:

Proof is a legacy of 3rd dimensional dualistic consciousness. If 3D consciousness can be used to prove 5D or above consciousness, then you don't even need to prove anything at all when 3D can understand 5D. This can never happen if you keep perceiving/interpreting 5D in the 3D point of view – but deep inside your inner self, lies within 1D through 9D multi-dimensional consciousness that awaits you to be discovered. (-.-)

Due to 4D close to 3D, 3D worship 4D, like 2D animals worship 3D human beings, while there are also 3D that attempt to learn 4D consciousness on how to manipulate 3D consciousness. 4D and 5D, however, have a very slight difference except in terms of agenda. 4D ascends to 5D when the consciousness was being applied on love and light. 4D descends back to 3D when the consciousness was being applied on darkness and deception -- they fell back into the duality again. 3D will also fall back to 2D when their vibration is getting lower and lower after being a slave and ignorance for too long. However, 2D may also ascend back to 3D when they never complied to 3D orders and prefer to live in wild and free.

Your level of consciousness will bring you to a right physical shell that suits its vibration energy frequency after your spirit has left your human body. For example, if you only believe in fear and being obedient is the only way to calm you down, then a sheep or cow might be a suitable physical shell to fit into the consciousness level of your spirit. In this life, you came as a human has three possibilities:

  1. Your spiritual consciousness had been raised because you learned a lot while living as an animal;
  2. Your spiritual consciousness remain the same while living as a 3D human being in your past life;
  3. You came from higher dimensional world but due to two reasons:
    • You abuse your level of consciousness by manipulating the lower level conscious beings instead of raising them up;
    • Your dramatic emotion of love and compassion over the suffering of lower level unconscious beings lead to the synchronization between your spiritual energy frequency with the human body.

Another example will be like some of the 5th dimension (5D) Pleiadians who are not living in a physical shell because their spiritual energy frequency is too high until it can melt the biological cells that host it -- they're self-sustainable without relying on physical shell to live on. The orbs that you see in the skies are not really alien spacecrafts but their spiritual energies. Those higher dimensional light beings are not always visiting us with spacecraft.

This is how the levels of consciousness work based on the cosmic energy manifestation principle. Physical shell is nothing but just a biological construct with DNA that suitable to the vibration frequency of its spiritual energy, like normal plastic only suitable to store water whereas specially made plastic container can only be used to store petrol. When the petrol starts burning, it can either be compressed within a suitable mineral container or leave it evaporating in the air.

All this is Gaia. In reality, the levels of consciousness are just happening as they are and cannot be seen by the naked eyes or quantified by a logical left brain (scientific theory) or super computer. And of course, it does not really have a clearly defined or definite borders to separate them from one dimension to another during its actually manifestation as all the causes and effects (karma) are affected by too many factors interconnected become one in the cosmos. The word ‘dimension’ is just being used to facilitate explanation in the 3D realm of consciousness. The true higher dimension consciousness still need to be felt and experienced by oneself through meditation, practice on Zen Living, or referred by Pleiadians as ‘Staying Grounded’. 

As such, I see Buddha and Pleiadians as nothing but just the spiritual light beings that are absolutely self-aware and self-conscious of their true essence of existence. However, according to my study, Buddha was also known as a light being from the 8th dimension Vega planet of Galactic Federation. But for the sake of your true awakening experiences, I suggest that you don’t bother too much about all these names and terminologies and get distracted by them because the more you think of them, the more you fall yourself apart from the reality of cosmic energy and spirituality. Just spend more time with yourself, doing more housework, and interacting more often with the mother nature, such as bringing your pet for a walk, cutting woods in the jungle, planting vegetables, getting your hands dirty on soils, and paying full concentration on every single thing that you do with the mother nature – you will be able to figure out something one day.

Namaste. (-.-)

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