Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Science & Spirituality

ayurveda_17 Dear Ones,

While posted the following quote on my Facebook wall, some of my friends find it curious and would to know how I'm going to teach Information Technology in a Spiritual way:

"My Multidimension Training Center will be opening soon -- Teaching the 'truth' of Information Technology in a Spiritual Way. (-.-)"

Therefore, I thought it would be good for me to share with everybody here to inspire greater light and hence higher vibration frequency around the world:

If everything is Gaia and Gaia is everything; if everything is energy and energy is everything, there are nothing can never be taught through spirituality -- through metaphor, because all things in the universe have the common behavior of ONENESS. (^_^)

Give you an example from my previous post:

"DATABASE DESIGN: When come to a situation where you can only choose between PERFORMANCE and INTEGRITY, choose INTEGRITY, why? When integrity lost, performance boosts the amount of violated data. While higher integrity requires more resources, it's the integrity that is causing the performance issue or your budget does not meet the system requirements?

When the integrity lost, it is the system requirements that causing you more money or the stopping of business operation that is causing you more money? Never look at matters in an isolated manner. Always look at the relationship between two matters or more as NOTHING IS ISOLATED IN THIS WORLD. (-.-)"

Therefore, "NOTHING IS ISOLATED IN THIS WORLD" is the key teaching rather than solely Information Technology. Without realizing this in mind, nothing can be done in a proper manner -- this is why the corruption issues of mankind had been last for thousands of years and can never be resolved until today. It is due to the DUALITY that separates human perspectives for the sake of self interests. Therefore SELFISHNESS makes humans look at problems in an isolated way -- the way that only benefiting to them.

Due to this reason, INTEGRITY and PERFORMANCE in terms of database design are just like the integrity of humanity versus the growth of human population. The faster the population grows without proper teaching of human integrity through future generations, the more serious that the corruption of human society will be -- the world filled up with corrupted population rather than humans with high integrity. As such, would you rather choose fast growing human population without integrity or slow growing with higher integrity? Why slower growth for higher integrity? -- If it is for sex and social needs, it would be fast; if it is of true chemistry reaction of love and synchronization of consciousness level, it would be slow, or perhaps you can't even find one in your whole life. If there is NO TRUE LOVE, don't follow the norm to get married and make children until the world started to realize what life really mean to them and the Earth.

By the way, do you know why everyone wants the system to perform faster? -- Because they want to earn money faster more than the integrity. This includes both the integrity of mankind and system database. This is how science, together with money, blind-folding the human souls.

Dear Ones, while you think the river rushing down from the mountain day and night never change, it changes more often than you think -- or else how it rushes down from the mountain? While you think it keep changing its own state in order to flow from top to the bottom, the totality of its ever-changing state that balance it up by itself with other Earth elements will never change. (-.-)

But when you look at it in the chemistry, mathematics, and physics point of view, you'll no longer be able to see the whole beauty of it -- this is how science prevents humans from looking at the whole beauty of life and nature in a spiritual way -- you can't value nature when you can only see them as science rather than life. This is why science take human beings and animals as experiment; this is why science can lead to the inventions of weapons to destroy life. (-.-)

Dear Ones, while you're considering about the possibility for the advance light beings of other world to be the scientifically advance while spiritually conscious and awake without destroying the whole beauty of the nature, please take my following quote into consideration as well:

"If you look at science in a spiritual way, you use science in a right way; if you look at spirituality in a scientific way, you use science in a wrong way."

Namaste. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

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