Sunday, April 10, 2011

What is EGO?

egoWhat is EGO? -- When he met someone kind, he accuses someone as 'no balls'; when he met someone who has enough balls, he accuses someone as 'too harsh'. EGO is someone who is always running away from his weaknesses by manipulating duality to make himself look and feel better. (-.-)

An egoistic person does not has his own stand or principle; if he has, that is only one, that is TO WIN -- may his argument points be contradicting or not. (-.-)

As you can see, ego always comes with FEAR; if there is no fear, there is no ego. Almost every human being on this planet has ego. One of the most important reasons is due to social survival need. This is because the human society was being built based on ego -- an ego-based society. As such, how they measure the value of each other is also based on how ego they are, although many have mistakenly understand it as 'self-confident'.

Humans only mind about how they look and feel better regardless of reality. It's because of this, they had dragged themselves deeper and deeper into the world of illusion. In the world of illusion, they lack of self-awareness and no longer aware of who they are, not to mention about understanding the true manifestation of cosmic totality. It's again, due to their ego, whoever that attempt to enlighten them with cosmic and spiritual truth, they'll be regarded as 'unrealistic' and 'impractical'. This is exactly the same as the 'no balls' and 'too harsh' examples given by me above.

As such, ego and fear, are one of most serious cancer since the human history, which is also the most important spiritual illness that need to be healed in order to heal the entire world of corruption.

Namaste. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

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