Saturday, June 04, 2011

Why Spiritually Awaken Liberates You and How

BodhidharmaWhen you're spiritually awaken, it's not the way you battle with the systems that liberates you; it's your detachment and your consciousness that leads you not to get involved into the systems, that liberates you. Of course, the more people awake and detach, eventually, the better and more peaceful the world will become. (-.-)

REMEMBER: The 'battle' itself is also part of the system games. (-.-)

Perhaps, they may come and lock you up if you do not want to participate in the systems. So what you need to do is to make them feel like they're just putting a stone inside the cage, causing them no reflection and meaningless to their evil act. The more you think you're suffering in the jail, the more they think it's effective to lock you up. It's meaningless to put someone who has no greed, no fear, no ego and no hate into the jail. It's also no threat to release him out of the jail because those with greed, fear, ego, and hatred may not understand what his wisdom all about. (-.-)

Now, you may ask: If without greed, fear, ego, and hatred, where is the joy and meaning in life besides not able to get rid of those sufferings caused by them?

Your greediness is to make you no greed; your fear is to make you no fear; your ego is to make you no ego; your hatred is to make you no hate; you selfishness is to make you no selfish; your suffering is to make you no suffer; your unconsciousness is to make you conscious. When you're awaken, you see no single darkness and light except the ever changing beauty of nothingness in the cosmic life. This is your joy of eternity. (-.-)

Last but not least, neither this note will liberate you. It's your own unprecedented determination, courage, effort, passion, and willingness to work towards your spiritual consciousness that liberates you; not through hours of reading and keep sticking your eyes to the computer screen, but through your real life experiences, observations, and your interactions with the nature.

Namaste. (-.-)

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