Saturday, March 06, 2010

The Trap of Mind


Dear Ones,

As I posted on my Facebook wall recently about the Collective Conscious View and Dualistic View as below:

"Collective Conscious View: Looking at all perspectives at once in nano seconds. Dualistic View: One perspective at a time, the rest ignored. When they say "looking at the other side of the coin", they missed the other side of the coin again plus other important dimensional views that shouldn't be overlooked. The earlier based on intuition whereas the later based on time consuming logical analysis.

Dualistic human beings require costly computer technology, such as Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence to create multidimensional cubes to slice-and-dice for decision making purposes. Sometimes also known as Data Mining."

As you can see, my dear brothers and sisters, we're not only giving away our power (e.g. votes during election) for the elites to control us, we're also giving away our power to the CREATION OF THE ELITES that replaces our power within -- while they also acknowledged such power that they find it hard to have it. In other words, they fear you more than you fear them, otherwise they wouldn’t have done that to you, my dearest souls. You always think that they’re far more powerful than you, but what you have never thought of is that, another way of making oneself powerful is to reduce the strength of the other!

Another reason for them NOT to exploit your full potential directly but to use technologies in replacing such potential is that, THIS WILL ENABLE THEM TO CONTROL YOU by weakening you through the technique called 'Depend to Forget', namely to let you keep depending on their creations so that you can forget about your potential. Such act will not only destroy the whole beauty of the cosmic souls but also destroy all the loving species and elements on this, our planet Earth.

However, it is sad to say that such 'Depend to Forget' technique can only be effected through the exploitation of our GREED. When greed is in action, SELFISHNESS occurs. When selfishness occurs, UNITY vanished. When unity vanished, none dare to resist alone or in a smaller group and hence, YOU'RE IN CONTROLLED.

Dear Ones, the age of staying within the trap is over and my Goddess words are the keys to unlock all the traps that you had been lived within for centuries. But let me tell you the TRUTH: "You've never been locked in the trap. The real trap, is in your mind."

Namaste. (-.-)


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