Monday, March 15, 2010

A Story about Human Language (-.-)

Primitive People A Story by Antonio Ooi

One day, a group of tourist from different countries was having a camping in a jungle. Each couple and family was having their own gathering at their respective camp without having any communication with the other due to language problem.

One night, a man from England decided to go for peeing somewhere away the camps. Suddenly, he heard a sound. "Holly shit... That's a TIGER!!!" Then, he began to run back to the camps and shouted: "Run! Run! Tiger! Tiger!!!" But the rest of the groups still not moving and keep wondering what that English trying to say. Finally, when the tiger ROAR, everybody ran at bullet speed!

Philosophy behind this story:
We, as a human being, could not understand each other due to the separation of languages, beliefs, and cultures. But no matter how we separated from each other, all of us have no problem understanding Gaia because Gaia, is the root of humanity, and the mother of all things in the universe.

Gaia, the common understandable language of ONENESS. (-.-)

P/S: Do not tell me this is why all human beings need to learn English for common understanding because to me, use of English as a unification of human language is a kind of domination of New World Order that started from the ambition of colonization and invasion from one country to another. The beauties of all cultures should be preserved. In addition, unifying human language will not help on UNITY when inside us is full of the mind of duality that opposing each other. Namaste. (-.-)

“I wouldn’t have needed INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE to share this story with the world if we had never been INTERNATIONALLY invaded before.” (Antonio, 2010)

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