Monday, November 22, 2010

You Failed at Everything? Not Really. (-.-)

Dear Ones,

Some of you may be facing a lot of failures in life, such as studies, competitions, impressing your boss, setting up your own business etc, and you think you failed at everything -- please do not despair, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT. (-.-)

Your true nature, and your true purpose of being here, is not to ENHANCE DUALITY by beating others up, winning others, proving the incapability of others in order to hurt others, and to enslave others like how others enslaved you in the past. Your true purpose of being here, is to demonstrate:

1. Abundance by reducing greed instead of illusive poverty by increasing greed through comparison.
2. Happiness without sacrificing happiness just to gain wealth and power to control other to control you.
3. Freedom through wisdom rather than prisoning your mind through 3rd dimension physical limitations of duality.

It's because of your true nature that is being designed for the above true purpose of your existence, YOU FAILED AT EVERYTHING OF THOSE THAT ARE BEING EXPECTED BY THE CORRUPTED SYSTEMS. What they're expected from you are not what you're capable of by nature.

Now, you may want to ask me why others can be so successful but you can't. Let me tell you my brothers & sisters: THIS IS KARMA ENERGY RECYCLING MANIFESTATION -- they're not successful, instead, they had too many people owing them in the past, may it be in current life or past life. You may also notice that those who are successful are getting more and more successful -- that's because they know how to play with KARMA. The more people they served, the more people owing them and the richer they are. This is why DEMOCRACY came about. However, such an evil karmic manipulation approach can only work on HUMAN GREED. The more you like to be served, the more likely you'll become a slave. The more luxury lives you desire for, the more you're being enslaved by your own desire of greediness.

Dear Ones, this is why you need to overcome your greed through the wisdom of your 3rd eye -- your collective conscious mind, leading you to be self-responsible, self-sustainable, sovereign, and the freedom of absolute independent. You fear of these challenges simply because you're being trained TO BE WEAK. You're being trained NOT to be self-responsible; you're being trained NOT to be self-sustainable; you're being trained NOT to be sovereign; and you're being trained NOT to be independent -- you're being trained to bury YOUR FULL POTENTIAL that lies within you -- you're being trained TO BE FEAR OF NOT DEPENDING ON THEM TO SURVIVE.

Dear Ones, birds that no longer know how to fly always prefer to stay inside the cage because at the very least, the cage can protect them from getting hurt by the cats, of which those cats are also being fed by the same master who prisoned them in the cage in the first place -- but that doesn't mean their flying skill cannot be recovered once they're out of the cage eventually because:


bird_cageNamates. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

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