Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ANSWER FOR: Antonio's Spiritual Quiz – Seeing Truth

There are basically 3 ways to prevent you from seeing the truth of an object. As such, there could be 9 ways to prevent you from seeing the truth of an object. If this is the case, there could be infinite ways to prevent you from seeing the truth of an object. However, the truth is, there is only 1 way to prevent you from seeing the truth of an object. This also means that there is only 1 way in allowing you to see the truth of an object (or any other things else).

a. Which 3 ways?
b. Which 9 ways?
c. Which infinite ways?
d. Which 1 way that prevents you?
e. Which 1 way that allows you?

NOTE: You're free to choose not to answer me at all, answer me but not according to what I asked, answer me according to what I asked, or ask me some other questions instead. However, I may choose to reply or not to reply you regardless of what you have sent to me. (-.-)

Marked by Antonio as Answer

Answered by:
E Christopher Carolan November 5 at 8:02am

MEDITATEThe only way to view an object, feeling, entity, thing is in relation to the whole universe. To not see the difference between you and the object, but to see the object in relation to how it is you are seeing it. Just by noticing an object, you are placing an unreal value on the object, you are seperating it from self, saying THAT and ME.
There is not a THAT and ME. There is only the totality of the universe, without YOU there would be no seeing, without IT, there would be no object.
In fact there is no ME and there is no IT. There is only ONENESS. It is this duality that causes us to view things as seperate from the self.
I can't name 3 things, or 9 things, or an infinate number of things.... but I can name one thing. Duality.
Thinking that there is a THIS and THAT - or a ME and NOT ME is essentialy the main problem with viewing the truth.
The only absolute truth is that everything is interconnected, there can be no left without right, no dark without light, no on without off.
When both sides of the duality are seen as ONE then the duality changes to become a duality between SEPERATE and WHOLE, thus creating another duality. Only when we view Seperate and Whole as being essentially the same thing can we even begin to get rid of duality.
It is in our nature as beings with animal bodies that causes this duality. Before some enlightenment we view our selves as the center of the universe, with some enlightenment we view the universe as the center of existance. With total enlightenment we view both our selves and the universe as one, with no difference between the two.

I don't know why I chose to answer, I may be wrong in your view, but we ARE using words to describe things that are without language, thus creating duality just by describing them.

Thank you for helping me think.

Replied by:
Antonio Ooi November 5 at 2:40pm

Since you have already know the answer for (d), you also know the answer for (e); since you have already know the answer for (d) and (e), it doesn't really matter whether you can state the answer for (a), (b), and (c), for the answers for (a) through (c) are just the expansion of duality -- whether it's 3 ways or infinite ways, it's still duality. It will be infinitely expanded and suffered until you know the answer for (d) and thus (e).

I will mark your answer as "answer" and share it with the world. Namaste. (-.-)

“When you count everyone in your group, remember to include yourself; when you remove distractions that block the truth, remember to remove your SELF too.” (Antonio, 2010)

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