Thursday, November 12, 2009

REPTILIAN’S INTELLIGENCE: 6.8 billion of population is NOTHING!

image003 6.8 billion of human population is nothing to me so long I can prevent them from being united by dividing them through individualism and let them opposing and competing with each other using the formula of duality. As such, 6.8 billion is just equal to 1 individual. With the strength of an individual, who dare to against me? Also, with the introduction of my Pyramid Ruling Model, every level of the organizational hierarchy is dropping shit to each other, how can they love each other in that case (see the attached poster)? Wakakakaka.... :P

In addition, with my Profit = Revenue - Costs formula, they can never be united. Imagine when manufacturers, retailers, distributors, and consumers, which may also consist of multiple individual employees in each of these segments, all of them are always strive to reduce their own costs in order to maximize their own profit.

For example:
To employee: Higher Salary – Lesser Work = Greater Profit
To employer: More Work - Lower Salary = Greater Profit
To seller: Higher Price – Lower Cost = Greater Profit
To consumer: Higher Quality Product – Lower Price = Greater Profit

As you can see, each of their goal, whether in group or individual, can never satisfy each other and therefore they can never unite! Am I smart? Kekekekeke......... :P

But too bad, they worship me and believe in me more than they believe in the so call 'Collective Consciousness' and 'Cosmic Oneness' that lie within their inner divine self, what to do? WoooHooooo.....LOL... :P (Shhhh~~~Please don’t tell them their secret potential, or else they will unite and against me!)

Those stupid human beings think that they’re so smart, as the matter of fact: Whoever lose, I win! LOL!!!!

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