When humans follow all the conditions required by the nature and the plant grows, they say "science works", wakakakakakaka!!!! But now their space shuttle also works, just that it farts a lot of CO2 before taking off. Perhaps the major difference between science and nature can only be measured by the degree of pollution, which in turn can be used to measure the degree of pollution in human's mind. (^_^)
While they think their inner pollution can be remained hidden and unseen, they unwittingly leak out their pollution and make it externally visible through the great amount of CO2 produced by their own creations. (^_^)
Nothing can be hidden. It got to be represented somewhere in some forms. Even the gold need to be kept in the great iron safe, LOL!!!! xD
It’s all about Collective Consciousness my dear brothers & sisters… It’s all about Sense of Totality… for your Ultimate Wisdom… Namaste (-.-)
1. December 21, 2012 isn't the END of Mayan Calendar. Instead, they used their calendar like using the CLOCK as the cycle keeps repeating every 26,000 years -- Is 12:00 AM the end of time or the Earth stops spinning? No. (-.-)
2. Both curves at the peak of Yin and Yang denote the GREAT TRANSITION PERIOD, which seemed to be consistent with what Matias De Stefano mentioned in his video here: http://youtu.be/Dh2NkhunEJ0
3. The two smaller circles (1 black and 1 white) seemed to be representing the planetary alignment happen at the GREAT TRANSITION PERIOD mentioned earlier, i.e. December 21, 2012.
4. The black & white of Yin-Yang represents the Galactic Night and Galactic Day respectively, which is also very much aligned with what Matias De Stefano mentioned in his video: http://youtu.be/Dh2NkhunEJ0
5. The 12 hours in the clock also align with the 12 astrological zodiac signs, which of course something like a scaled down version of the entire galactic cycle. The smaller scale and larger scale seem to be following each other rhythm and timing, which is also corresponded to our solar system.
6. Galactic Alignment takes place at the Photon Belt/Band, which may involve more than Alcyone, Sun and Earth, like the 3 needles of our clock, each ticks at the different speed but will eventually be aligned together at a particular moment, for the clock case is 12:00AM.
7. The black & white Yin-Yang seem to be spinning in a SPIRAL manner, which is very much aligned with the one mentioned in The Pleiaidian Agenda:
But keep in mind that this is the top view version of the one depicted in The Pleiadian Agenda.
Mayan Calendar is a CLOCK (at a larger scale), and December 21, 2012 is just like the 12:00AM of the clock -- it's just simulating the 26,000 years cycle, like how our clock simulating the 1 day cycle and the planetary alignment is like the second, minute and hour pointers meet together at 12:00AM. Mayan calendar is reusable after December 21, 2012, like how we reuse our clock or watch. (-.-)
I seldom officially respond to any public teaching or propaganda unless I find it worthwhile to do that. Matías De Stefano (aka. Ghan), someone who claimed himself as an indigo child, however, is important to me as I see his true potential within and I foresee that he will be one of the key players in the field of education and beyond year 2012 in particular. I resonated well with much of his information, just that some of his presentations and explanations were a little bit distorted, which I believe and personally felt, due to the following reasons:
The limitations of human languages with either positive or negative vocabularies.
The incorporation of inaccurate source of information in order to complete his recalls.
Lack of solid, practical, spiritual experiences manifesting in the 3rd dimension world.
I hope that the publishing of this blog can help me to reach him in person as I was having difficulty adding him in Facebook (his friend list full) and not able to Google for his email address. I also hope that someone who have seen this blog and also have connection with him, can help me to pass to him and perhaps translate it into Spanish if necessary. To me, this is crucial when ones have a high impact in passing information down to Earth to ensure the success of the great revolution that is to be taken place beyond 2012.
Here, I would also like to thank Ghan for helping me to recall some of the major part of the information in my past as well. I also hope that, not only my own recalls but also my real life spiritual experiences in the 3D existence, can help him to complete his teaching contents in a more coherent, consistent, truthful, and less confusing way.
Namaste. (-.-)
About Lucifer
Even though Matias De Stefano was right about Lucifer, I think Lucifer's idea isn't working according to the cosmic plan and need to be aborted ASAP. Why? Because his role of darkness is redundant as the whole universe, including Earth, is made up of the balance between darkness and light and in order for humans to experience darkness, they don't really need the involvement of Lucifer at all.
If Lucifer's idea is working, then Matias De Stefano doesn't have to come down as an indigo child to disclose everything in order to accelerate the awakening of human beings at the last minute while they are moving into the age of Aquarius. Why only last minute? Because Lucifer's plan isn't working effectively and not ON TIME. Why not on time? Because the result of his idea had been blocking and preventing those who are willing to go back and practice the true spiritual lifestyle for their further ascension process! Unfortunately, as being realized by Ghan himself, his way of enlightenment can only feed the information in the audiences left brain as ‘information’ but not as ‘spiritual experience’. If Lucifer is also playing a ‘helping role’, those who have awaken and choose to detach from the system should be given a choice to responsible for their own survival and have their own spaces for their own spiritual lifestyle and practices in order for them to achieve higher maturity of spirituality rather than purely in the form of theoretical information. Therefore, if Lucifer's proposal was also to emphasize the respect of FREE WILL, then the situation as I mentioned earlier must be very much violating his own original intention. For more information about this issue, please refer to my following blog:
Let me tell you guys, if Lucifer was part of the cosmic planner, Matias De Stefano is an indigo child, then I must be the AUDITOR of the cosmic plan sent by the 8th dimensional Vegan from the Galactic Federation, and not just 'con-federation', to monitor the effectiveness of the Lucifer's plan. (^_^)
Whatever that is deliberative, is 'illusion', and will cause an 'out-of-the-balance' effect, including the Lucifer's volunteer offer to play as the darkness role to serve the awakening of humanity. (-.-)
About Time & Space
It's not the TIME that causes the manifestation of the matters; it's the environmental and cosmological factors and REACTION that cause the manifestation of the matters. The TIME itself doesn't tell the reasons whereas the REACTION does. (-.-)
Just one simple argument: The time came from the spinning, gravitational, and electro-magnetization between Earth, Moon, and Sun (cosmological reactions) or the spinning, gravitational, and electro-magnetization between Earth, Moon, and Sun came from time? It’s solely the occurrences at the NOW; there is no past, present, and future except the holographic images that stay inside the memory. Although all human languages have the words to describe the human imagination using ‘yesterday’, ‘today’, and ‘tomorrow’, at the very least, in Chinese language, there is no past, present, and future tenses.
It's only the continuous and endless occurrence of the matters. It has nothing to do with TIME. It's the human desires that hoping for a particular STATE of matters to happen, and hence the illusion of TIME occurs and become NEEDED. In other words, how matters transform from one STATE to another, where the targeted STATE is the desired STATE, then humans began to have the interest to know for HOW LONG such transformation takes place and hence HOW LONG that they need to WAIT. As such, the SOURCE STATE became the starting point of TIME and the TARGET STATE became the ending point of TIME. But due to the never ending greed and desire of mankind, the need for TIME measurement keeps going on and on. Therefore, clock and watch were invented in accordance to the cosmological factors (day and night) and let it run by itself so that the human progress can be monitored just to know ONE THING: When can their wish comes true?
When desire vanished, TIME vanished. When need vanished, TIME vanished. In other words, when need exists, TIME exists too. For example, when humans are hungry, they tend to keep thinking for HOW LONG that they still needed in order for them to find the food. When the stomach is filled, however, the NEED disappears and the TIME should also disappear. Therefore, when NEEDS are to be deliberately made ENDLESSLY, ENDLESS TIME is needed. (-.-)
If your EGO insists something to be forever indestructible, then you've built yourself a vulnerably destructible EGO; if your EGO insists the destructible is indestructible and the constructible is destructing the destructible, then you've built yourself an indestructible EGO, which last according to the truth of the indestructible. (-.-)
NOTE: Once you have achieved the latter, i.e. the indestructible EGO, your mind state will be the same as the meaning of EGO-less, or in Chinese, we called it 'I-AM-LESS' (无我). Earlier, I did not explain to you in such a way because I do not want to confuse you in order to make things simple and more clear-cut to be understood. But since Matias De Stefano (http://youtu.be/Dh2NkhunEJ0) had already disclosed it, I also do not want to hide anything from you guys to further confuse you when you combine his and mine definition of EGO together. But seek no mistake, being EGO over the truth of NOTHINGNESS is absolutely equivalent to EGO-less or NO-EGO even if you see it in a Mathematical perspective. It's absolutely fine.
Understanding the true essence of EGO, to me, is utmost importance to every human being because once it is misunderstood, humans began to insist on what is not supposed to insist and resist what is supposed to insist. If you still unable to understand both Matias De Stefano's and mine explanations, I suggest that you temporarily put them aside first and forget about it. You'll definitely be able to realize and understand it when the right situation comes.
When you're spiritually awaken, it's not the way you battle with the systems that liberates you; it's your detachment and your consciousness that leads you not to get involved into the systems, that liberates you. Of course, the more people awake and detach, eventually, the better and more peaceful the world will become. (-.-)
REMEMBER: The 'battle' itself is also part of the system games. (-.-)
Perhaps, they may come and lock you up if you do not want to participate in the systems. So what you need to do is to make them feel like they're just putting a stone inside the cage, causing them no reflection and meaningless to their evil act. The more you think you're suffering in the jail, the more they think it's effective to lock you up. It's meaningless to put someone who has no greed, no fear, no ego and no hate into the jail. It's also no threat to release him out of the jail because those with greed, fear, ego, and hatred may not understand what his wisdom all about. (-.-)
Now, you may ask: If without greed, fear, ego, and hatred, where is the joy and meaning in life besides not able to get rid of those sufferings caused by them?
Your greediness is to make you no greed; your fear is to make you no fear; your ego is to make you no ego; your hatred is to make you no hate; you selfishness is to make you no selfish; your suffering is to make you no suffer; your unconsciousness is to make you conscious. When you're awaken, you see no single darkness and light except the ever changing beauty of nothingness in the cosmic life. This is your joy of eternity. (-.-)
Last but not least, neither this note will liberate you. It's your own unprecedented determination, courage, effort, passion, and willingness to work towards your spiritual consciousness that liberates you; not through hours of reading and keep sticking your eyes to the computer screen, but through your real life experiences, observations, and your interactions with the nature.