Tuesday, July 06, 2010

RED ALERT: 'Spirituality' as 'Knowledge'???

New PictureDear Ones,

SPIRITUALITY is NOT something that can simply be treated as KNOWLEDGE in order to be comprehended and manifested. REMEMBER: Whoever make their attempt to PROMOTE spirituality as KNOWLEDGE destroy spirituality!

Got to know, True Spirituality can only be passed to the right person(s) at the right timing in the right situation at the right mind state with the right form (visual, audio etc). All these are important simultaneous conditions that are required for ones to know what SPIRITUALITY is. IT SHOULD NOT BE PACKAGED AS 'KNOWLEDGE' THAT HAS A KIND OF NATURE TO BE EASILY ABUSED, MISUSED, AND MANIPULATED BY CERTAIN DECEPTIVE PEOPLE. PLEASE DO NOT GET MISLED AGAIN.

People...try to ask ourselves once more: What're we fighting for? Are we fighting for ILLUSION, for REALITY, for ILLUSION THAT LOOKS LIKE A REALITY, or for REALITY THAT LOOKS LIKE AN ILLUSION? Did you know...When you take SPIRITUALITY as KNOWLEDGE, you turn spirituality into illusion?! When I TALK/HEARD about sweetness, sourness, bitterness etc, my tongue still having the SAME FEELING while those sweetness, sourness, and bitterness can only be imagined in the ILLUSION. But when I personally EXPERIENCE sweetness, sourness, bitterness etc, it is far better and clearer than hearing others describe about sweetness, sourness, and bitterness -- the same goes to SPIRITUALITY. It's always easier to ignore what you KNOW than ignore what you FEEL. As such, 'they' rather let you KNOW than let you FEEL. Why? When you FEEL, you'll take action; when you KNOW, you can ignore!

REMEMBER: Packaging spirituality as 'knowledge' has no difference from packaging 'spirituality' as RELIGION -- Both allowing to BELIEVE BY KNOWLEDGE rather than EXPERIENCE BY FEELING.

Namaste. (-.-)


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