Saturday, June 05, 2010

PROBLEM WITH LOGICS: The Duality-based Human Languages

延征(三) Dear Ones,

Pertaining to my previous post titled COSMIC LAW: Permanency of the Impermanent, I had added the following quote:

"...we see oneness as beauty, separation as ugly."

As such, someone may come to me and argue with the following LOGICAL point:

"If this is the case, oneness cannot be beautiful without the existence of separation, which means separation should also play a very important role in contributing to the beauty of oneness???"

Dear Ones, when it is ONENESS, where comes the SEPARATION? When separation exists, it is no longer oneness. As such, how can separation contributes to the beauty of oneness when the coexistence of both loses the meaning of each? To the 3rd dimension dualistic human point of view, however, it is the coexistence of UGLY and BEAUTY, POOR and RICH, GOOD and BAD etc that is inter-reflecting one to another, simultaneously.

In addition, and again, I would like to emphasize to you that human languages are fundamentally dualistic and full of limitation and confusion to describe the true essence of cosmic truth and spirituality. To us, separation is an illusion that never existed, and the word 'ONENESS' itself is a problem because when there is no TWO, where comes the ONE? Due to the fact that human languages were being created out of logics, it becomes inappropriate for human beings to study Cosmic Truth and Spirituality.

Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to show it to you how logics and human languages may sometimes lead human beings to the darkness of duality while fundamentally, the language itself is dualistic.

Of course, we're not here to destroy your human cultures but to let you see the true facet of the human cultures that destroy the beauty of your inner YOU for eons through duality. We urge you to start learning how to communicate with heart and soul, through the exchange of your truthful spiritual energy frequency because communication through spiritual energy frequency cannot be faked and manipulated and therefore no lies are possible, at least at our dimension, the 8th dimension (if according to your human term). Eventually, you're TELEPATHIC as your spiritual energy frequency goes higher and affect within the whole cosmos because in this cosmos, all are interconnected particles that capable of carrying frequencies.

Last but not least, I hope you human beings are no longer human beings but the cosmic energies of light FOR THE YEARS TO COME because as the matter of fact, NONE OF YOU ARE HUMAN BEINGS.

May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos. (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

IMPORTANT NOTE: It's NOT human beings that came to Earth to experience duality, it's the human's INNER DARKNESS of greed, selfishness, fear, and ego that unwittingly create the duality for themselves to experience with. NO ONE was intentionally putting human beings into the duality test EXCEPT THE HUMANS THEMSELVES. Their inner darkness creates opportunities for the dark forces to take advantage of duality to manipulate and enslave them. PLEASE BE CLEAR. (-.-)

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