Friday, January 08, 2010

DEADLOCK: A symbiotic fact of "Divide & Conquer" caused by Monetary System

deadlock What DEADLOCK is: "When employees want higher pay and lesser work whereas employers want more works and pay less. Works are the costs to employees whereas pays are the costs to employers. (NOTE: The costs of work to employees include investment on higher educational studies, energy consumption, risks that threaten their life, travelling expenses to workplace, conflicts of personal will to the tasks assigned, illness caused by frustration and work pressure, time lost on relationship with friends and family, time lost on recreation, sports, exercise etc.) When each and every party wants to minimize costs and maximize profits, DEADLOCK occurs throughout the entire world and society.

This direct conflict of interest causing an INTER-LOCKING effect among individuals and organizations, hence preventing love and compassion from manifesting. This is how monetary system destroy human relationship and effectively prevents human beings from uniting. Humans are discouraged to unite with each other through love and compassion so that they can be easily controlled and enslaved by the global elites. They cultivate and strengthen human greed and selfish so that each and everyone of you only care for yourself and not others because nobody willing to give anybody what they need through the DEADLOCKING of desires. As such, even though they're BILLIONS, they're like having a strength of ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL because they treat each other as stranger, not loving each other, and not uniting with each other -- This is why they're billions but never thought of achieving common freedom and abundance because they only think for themselves.

Whoever lose, "they" win. "Competition" is a simple yet effective tactic being instilled into human society since eons ago by a being called "Annunaki", whose current generation also known as a secret society called "Illuminati", sometimes known as "Reptilians". They're the owners of the world largest private banker called "Federal Reserve". Due to the fact that COMPETITION sounds like a game and looks more civilized than the one on the battlefield with fire weapons, the public had been easily convinced and taken it as FAIR GAME. This is why you often see employers like to create competitions among staffs, parents like to provoke competitions among children (e.g. "Why you brother can do it but you can't?!") Why? Because they want to compete with other entities for survival under the rules dictated by the monetary system. But regardless of what company loses the competition, the banks are always the winner. Meanwhile, there're also competitions among banks and financial institutions. And again, whichever bank loses, the Federal Reserve wins. This is what they call "Divide & Conquer". This is also what I mean by "Global Multilevel Puppeting", very much similar to what you known as Multi Level Marketing (MLM).

Dear brothers and sisters, while each and every life has different strengths and weaknesses, there is one thing that all of us have in common -- our natural gifted LOVE and COMPASSION. Even though you're entirely handicapped and physically disabled, the love and compassion that live within your heart remain -- they can never be removed. To create a beautiful world for the warm loving hearts and souls to live together in harmony and share the greatest joy among all species on this planet Earth, human beings must start cultivating love and compassion at the same time abolishing the great evil of monetary system. Stop competing and comparing with each other and start loving each other with compassion, honesty, and integrity. By absorbing the POWER OF LOVE, then only your strength can be unlocked to its full potential like never before and your weaknesses will be complemented by others who have the strengths that you don’t through the power of their LOVE, like how you complement their weaknesses with your strengths through the power of your LOVE. As such, collectively, human beings, as a whole, will be able to generate a higher vibration of energy frequency that they never experienced before. Such a high energy frequency of love will enable humanity to transmute, not only ANYTHING on this planet Earth but also EVERYTHING in the COSMOS for the sake of balancing of the TOTALITY.

By December 21, 2012 of your calendar, this will take place because your LOVE tells you so. At that moment, I will meet you there because ME is YOU and YOU is ME!


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