Saturday, September 26, 2009

Making Venus Project a Reality


As some of you, if not all, have already heard about Venus Project founded by Jacque Fresco, it is the future that what and how it should be for the humanity -- The Resource-based Economy, as oppose to the Monetary System that provokes separation of human relationships and causes poverty due to the distinct imbalance of global resource distribution manipulated by the "global elites".

To make Venus Project a reality, I strongly encourage all of you to join the cause and donate at least US$5 or US$10 based on your free will to:

Making the Venus Project a Reality

Keep in mind that if 1 million peoples donate $5, there will be 5 million dollars! With this 5 millions, at least we can help to provide higher visualization of Venus Project to the public around the world and that will boost the vibration to the support of Venus Project at its entirety! Other key reasons to support Venus Project are as follows:

1. To overcome FEAR to the unknown future in the event of the fall of monetary system.

2. To free all of us from slavery -- work for passion and equal abundance, not for individual superiority and selfishness.

3. To release all the FREE ENERGY technologies banned by the governments.

4. To give humanity a chance to balance up between spirituality and technology.

5. To create a KEY ENTRY POINT for humanity to be ascended to the 5th dimension crystalline body and higher plane of spiritual consciousness while entering into the Age of Aquarius!

Yes, Venus Project does against monetary system but keep in mind that it needs to be at least partially constructed BEFORE THE FALL OF MONETARY SYSTEM in order to convince everyone to support it! Therefore, of course they still need money at this moment! So people, no harm giving out your $5 or $10 for a try and see what would happen. Besides, we had been cheated and enslaved for centuries, why mind about this tiny little dollar for such a potential change to the future of humanity?!

People! Just Do It! (Nike)

Making the Venus Project a Reality


NOTE: If you worry about the source of donation provided by this Facebook cause, feel free to donate directly from the Venus Project Official Site here:

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