Ego Mind State Living in Linear Time-&-Space Belief System
The truth of Time-less & Space-less had been covered up and blocked by Human Ego since eons ago to fulfil their desires that effected by lying to themselves and to others. For example, the idea of human civilization advancement cannot be established without making a RESTRICTIVE ASSUMPTION that involves the past and present time factor as well as space factor such as the number of lands, size of organization and personal possessions, and resources that ones have owned. When they fail to make this linear growth of spaces vs. time, they’ll suffer with mental imbalance and began to use whatever means to make it works, such as business and political deceptions. One of the key success factors that ensure the continuity of this system over time is to make belief the importance of space by restricting the living spaces among lower and middle classes, including workplace cubical, bedroom, size of house, and even transportation through the conception of duality. The conception of duality includes the provocation of jealousy and hatred through comparisons and competitions, e.g. "his prison is greater than mine". This mental suffering of psychological torture acts as a steroid to drive this system in moving forward. This is how humans narrow down their own world view in order to satisfy their own egoistic belief system through their own lies.
NOTE: Notice that others like colours and sizes of all things are also time & space oriented but may or may not in a linear form. They are dualistically reflected in the biological eyes of human beings as a holographic image. In order to make them definite, humans began to limit them with their own definite time and space.
Peaceful Mind State Living in Time-Less-Space-Less Realm of Consciousness
When human ego is removed, humans began to change their lifestyle that only works for actual physical needs rather than just for the sake of growing up spaces over time without knowing the true purpose behind except the ones at the upper hierarchy of the pyramid. Due to the less-hurry and less-rushing lifestyle, the time factor no longer plays an important role and spaces are consumed as needed instead of pre-occupying them selfishly by pushing others to the cliff. Such a slow motion yet peaceful lifestyle stops the delusive time effect within them, allowing them to realize that there is actually No Time and No Space in this universe except the human illusion (watch this video for greater inspiration: Such an unrestricted perception also allows them to see very clearly the origin of all human problems and sufferings. This makes them refuse to waste their effort in performing a micro study on why a specific human problem is happening and how to resolve (as being enforced by the social education system) because they knew very well that these are all caused by the falsely believed perception of mankind that misguides and separates human selves into the state of DUALITY.
In other words, such a balanced and grounded living model had never been encouraged due to the fact that it does not cultivate the linear time and space belief system that facilitates the agenda of certain entities on this planet. The following figures also show how this harmonic lifestyle was being re-engineered, in conjunction with the Linear Time & Space belief system, to manipulate human energetic behaviours and transform it into a model that favours their agenda:

Conclusion (Addendum, added June 10, 2011)
It's not the TIME that causes the manifestation of the matters; it's the environmental and cosmological factors and SITUATION that cause the manifestation of the matters. The TIME itself doesn't tell the reasons whereas the SITUATION does. (-.-)
It's only the continuous and endless occurrence of the matters. It has nothing to do with TIME. It's the human desires that hoping for a particular STATE of matters to happen, then the illusion of TIME occurs and become NEEDED. In other words, how matters transform from one STATE to another, of which the targeted STATE is the desired STATE, then humans began to have the interest to know for HOW LONG such transformation takes place and hence HOW LONG that they need to WAIT. As such, the SOURCE STATE became the starting point of TIME and the TARGET STATE became the ending point of TIME. But due to the never ending greed and desire of mankind, the need for TIME measurement keeps going on and on. Therefore, clock and watch were invented in accordance to the cosmological factors (day and night) and let it run by itself so that the human progress can be monitored just to know ONE THING: When can their wish comes true?
When desire vanished, TIME vanished. When need vanished, TIME vanished. In other words, when need exists, TIME exists too. For example, when humans are hungry, they tend to keep thinking for HOW LONG that they still needed in order for them to find the food. When the stomach is filled, however, the NEED disappear and the TIME should also disappear. Therefore, when NEEDS are to be deliberately made ENDLESSLY, ENDLESS TIME is needed. (-.-)
I hope this note is able to fill up the yellow 'Things we don't know' area of the following diagram that shared by one of my Facebook friends, Philip Halas:

Related quotes by Antonio:
"Duality is just an illusion until the soul lives within a physical shell and began to be tricked by the linear time and space. When you're standing at -ve side, you saw +ve; when you stand at +ve side, you saw -ve; when you stand at NO SIDE, you see the totality of +ve and -ve as one whole thing, i.e. NOTHING." (-.-)
"If truth is immortal, eternal, and persistent, it shouldn't exist only during the day you were born, before born, or after born." (-.-)
"If you think you're greater than the truth, then it can only be forever JUST YOU and not the truth." (-.-)
"Perhaps 1 day, the only truth that we need to find out before all others is, does 'I AM', exist?" (-.-)
See also: