As I thought no matter how corrupted that the world is, there must still be a small little space for people like me to breathe some free air. But after making my first attempt in life to go for off-grid living, the evil power proved me wrong. Now I agree even more to what Satya has to say: “How can you be free when the TOTALITY is not free?”
There is no such thing called PUBLIC places, neither there is somewhere called ‘Private’ – All are government owned. No matter where you go, and in a small country like Malaysia especially, there are no places where government is ignoring. When there is nowhere else for you to go, what would you do? I believe in this infinite end of the cosmos, every single inch of space is a FREE WILL ZONE except human illusion. Why should we living off-grid when the so called ‘grid’ is just an illusive creation of mankind? – I finally realized about this. Hence, if off-grid living provides truthful and naked environment in helping humanity to recover their spiritual consciousness, why should it be just a little cave but not the entire universe? As a cosmic energy of balance, ones should not just bother whether it is the Earth that is under chaotic situation, not to mention about just a specific area or country. Even it left only the Nibiru that is causing the harmony of the entire universe, none should ignore such fact and remain in their own comfort zone – this is WHO we are and WHAT are doing in accordance to the Cosmic Law of Balance, this is how LOVE manifests by itself to make peace, beauty, and joy of all life forms.
Here, let me share with you the whole story of my off-grid living journey:
DAY 1, April 30th, 2010 – Looking for a budget hotel to stay in
Due to the unfamiliarity of the area in the state of Pahang, at day 1, I decided to look for a budget hotel/motel to stay in. I arrived at Jengka Town (Bandar Pusat Jengka) and found a small motel. Unfortunately, perhaps due to the May 1st Labor Day holiday, all rooms are fully booked. But not entirely unfortunate, I found another budget resort, just an additional RM10.00 charge compared to the RM70.00 per night of that motel. I chose chalet, which is like a small semi-D where you can park your car just in front of it (see picture on the right). This will facilitate me to move my belongings in and out of my car to the chalet for the re-arrangement of my backpack for different purpose to different target location on the next or following days.
After settling down everything in the chalet, I decided to drive around the town to familiar myself with the area, such as places to eat, sundry shops, petrol station and so on.
At night, I meditated at the balcony behind the chalet. It was a jungle that full of monkeys jumping around the trees. I also saw a big lizard crawling here and there hunting for food. I closed my eyes and asked myself: “If you creatures are aliens to me, I had made a right decision to be here. (-.-)”
DAY 2, May 1st, 2010 – Looking for an abandoned hut at Jerik River (Sg. Jerik)
Jerik River is a name of a village, which of cause having a small river called ‘Jerik’. Why I chose Jerik River? Because it is more remote than Jengka Town. After having around 20 minutes drive, I found an ideal wooden house. Why ideal because:
- It looks like it had been abandoned for many years.
- It has a huge compound with garage.
- It has some wild chickens living around in the compound.
- It has my favorite durian trees surrounding the house. (^_^)
Surprisingly, in less than 5 minutes, a man with motorbike approached me and asked: “Yes Sir, what can I do for you?” I told him that I was looking for a place to stay somewhere nearby here. “Are you the owner of this house?” I asked. The Chinese man answered ‘yes’. “Do you have any intention to sell or rent the house?” I asked again. The man said ‘No’. However, this man is pretty friendly. He always try to help me to figure out what else that he can recommend me other than his house. “Why not you try asking a workshop owner somewhere a bit north from here? I heard that he planned to rent out one of his houses.” He also told me that no one here is intent to sell their house. This will never happen to them, at least people in this area. He also shared with me that the lands of those houses are actually subsidized by government for the villagers to work on their plantation estate, such as rubber trees, palm trees (trees to produce cooking oil and margarine), as well as durian trees.
Based on his advice, I headed north. Just about 300 meters from the house that I visited, I saw a workshop called Lim Workshop. Beside the workshop, there is a well-maintained house. That could be the workshop owner’s house. Some distance further from the owner’s house, there is another abandoned house. “Aha…that could be the one that the man was talking about”, I whispered. So I approached the foreman, who was the only worker in that workshop and asked: “Sir, do you know any house available for renting or for sale here?” He answered right away: ‘No’. He sounded very reluctant to talk to me while also busy fixing his customer’s car. After thanking him, I left the workshop.
I went further north again. Few minutes later, I passed by a passage that branched out from the main road. It was a up-hill passage. I parked my car at the road side, wearing my cowboy hat, together with my parang and binoculars and ready to explore. Followed the passage, I walked up-hill. About 30 meters away, I saw another wooden house. I was so excited and begun to walk a little bit more faster! Holy shit…I saw about 6 to 7 dogs starring at me in front of that wooden house. They start barking at me very fiercely. I could feel that some of them were ready to attack me. I looked down, slowly turned my body back to the direction where I came from, as though I simply encountered wrong direction and never aware of the dogs. Then very slowly, I walked down from the hill. One of the dogs begun to jump down to the passage and keep barking behind my back. I didn’t give a damn. I continue walking very slowly toward my car. The dogs finally gave up on me, didn’t even chase after me. This is what I called “making the opponents losing their meaning of action”. If you fear and run, this can only further proving that they’re right – you’re having a bad intention on what they’re defending.
Finally, I safely reached my car, but full of mosquitoes flying around my body and my hat. I went into my car and continued my exploration for the hut that I intent to look for.
I headed north again. Few kilometers later, I saw another abandoned house on my right. I made a U-turn and drove towards that house. What so interesting about this house is that, it is about 10 meters away from the main road, partially hidden from those who travel on the main road. I parked my car there and nobody can see it. When nobody notice about my car, the probability for people to check me out will be lower. All doors and windows are sealed with nails. Next to the house, there is something called ‘Datuk Kong’ that typical Malaysian Chinese like to worship about. That Datuk Kong was being recently served with fruits such as bananas and oranges. How did I know that it was RECENTLY served? Because the fruits were still very fresh – someone been here before recently, and this house must be having an owner. But on the right of the house, there is a small simple bridge. After the bridge, there is a small road that leads to a fruits plantation estate. I went across the bridge and headed towards the estate. There, I passed by a few small ponds. I saw two men fishing near the pond. “Not bad, at least I can hunt for some fishes here for food”, I told myself. But the water of the ponds is dirty and may not be clean enough for drinking. I continued walking and reached to a T-junction. However, I chose to go straight instead of turning right. When we’re not familiar with certain places, going straight is always a better choice in preventing us to get lost in the jungle. Who knows there could be more junctions along the way?
After walking some distance away from the junction, I came to a very small and narrow passage where only motorbikes can travel through. Yes, I saw the trace of the tires and those traces were still very clear. “Somebody been here with motorbike not long ago”, I told myself. After that, I saw a small house again. That house full of plantation equipments. It didn’t seem to have anybody inside the house. Doors were closing tight and no motorbikes parking in front of it. I didn’t plan to go near to the house actually. Instead, I bypassed the house and continue walking. There was a sharp turning to the left, of which the passage was being blocked across by a tree that was being cut down by someone. It seemed to be blocked by someone in purpose. Anyway, I didn’t really care. I bended down from the tree and continue walking to see what would it be after the blocker. Well, it seemed nothing to me except some flat lands with durian trees at the hill top. Setting up a camp under the durian trees is always not a good idea as the spiky durians will fall down from the tree when they’re ripe enough to be eaten. This will help to punch some holes on your tent, and perhaps on your head as well. However, you still can choose a place that is not directly under the shade of the durian trees, but your head will still at risk while walking around the tent for some other stuffs.
The day was getting darker. I started to walk back to my car and go back to the chalet with almost no results.
After reaching the chalet at the resort, I took a shower, laid on the bed and started to think of other alternative if in case the desired abandoned house can never be found. If I can’t find it, the only way is to go for a hardcore off-grid living, namely going for a place that has zero conveniences and facilities. “Since this is my first time living in a wild all alone, shall I go for some basic trainings first at the publicly allocated camp site?” I asked myself. Hence, I took out the Pahang’s map and studied again. Further north, that is the north of Jerantut, there are a few camp sites at Tembeling. Usually, the publicly allocated camp sites provide water supply facility, with some nicer nature elements such as waterfall. Rulers like to take advantage of beauties in converting them into monetary values, e.g. tourism businesses. As such, it changes the way humanity looking at beauties in general and mother nature in particular. This separates the true connection between human consciousness and the beauty of mother nature. In additions, most tourists are being trained in the metropolitan on how they should measure the value of beauties, e.g. women, houses, cars, dresses etc. Therefore, when came to mother nature, it is entirely no surprise to them that they have to PAY FOR THE BEAUTIES, including mother nature. In my cosmic point of view, the chargeable water supply, together with the fluorides ingredient, by the elites, is a destruction to strong spiritual will and consciousness that give humanity the power to adapt and establish friendly connection with the Gaia. Many may see the water supply in a positive way, but behind positivity, there is a negativity. Positivity or negativity should not be viewed in a singular or separating basis – the TOTALITY is encouraged. Here, I have to put away my ego and admit that my idea of taking public camp site as my training ground is a symptom of losing my natural ability – this is why I go for off-grid living anyway, for a gradual recovery. As I mentioned before: “Our fear, their wealth.”
Day 3, May 2nd, 2010 – Heading towards public camp sites
On day 3 morning, I checked out from Mercu View Resort and begun my journey to the north, the Tembeling. For this trip, I have to pass by Jerik River again. After a few kilometers away from Jerik River, I noticed another small road branching out from the main road. The road doesn’t seem to be able to drive up with ordinary passenger car like mine except 4x4. Again, I parked my car near the entrance of that small road, although it is full of personal belongings as I just moved out from my apartment from the city. I don’t really care much about whether they can be stolen or not – nothing can be stolen as I came to this world with nothing, and nothing can be more painful than losing the one and the only one that we brought to this world – OUR SPIRITUAL SOUL. It is our spiritual soul that brought us here, how can we ignore its consciousness and turn our focus on other physical materials by taking them so seriously as LIFE? How can those physical materials came into the meaning of life when you lose your spiritual consciousness towards their real essence of existence?
So I walked up to that small road. After walking for about 500 meters away from my car, I reached a site with wide spaces (see photo on the left). Many trees had been cut down and piled aside, leaving them growing with mushrooms. Although it may look like an ideal camp site to me with a very nice view at the hill top, I need to explore further to ensure it is not a ‘private’ area. Few minutes later, bingo! I saw a gate with signboard written there: “Private Property. No intruders allowed. Intruders will be prosecuted.” You can find the attached pictures on the left and at the very beginning of this blog post. I finally gave up and begun to return back to my car and continued my journey to Tembeling.
After driving for another half an hour later, I saw a signboard written there ‘Gua Gelanggi’ where ‘Gua’ means cave in Malay. Then I told myself that since I was already there, why not going in and take a look at the cave. At that moment, I still never thought of setting foot inside the cave as part of my off-grid living plan. I made an U-turn back and turned to the left in driving toward the entrance of the cave.
After awhile, I reached a checkpoint, which is also the main entrance to the cave. Somebody was stopping me and asking me to wind down the window. He didn’t look like a government servant but his hand was holding a stack of official entry tickets to the cave. “Is this the entry to the cave?” I asked the man. “Yes, but you need to pay for the ticket first”, the man answered. “How much is the ticket?” I asked. The man said RM5.00. I then paid for the ticket and continue asking him: “Is there any people camping inside?” The man answered: “Yes, you can even drive in and setup your camp next to your car!” “Cool!” I answered. “By the way, where are you from sir?” The man continue asking me while looking inside my car that full of so many personal belongings. “I just recently resigned from my job at Petaling Jaya and trying to tour around Malaysia while on my way back to my hometown in Penang.” I replied him. “Wow…so cool…I envy you! I wish I can be like you!” He replied me with excitement. Then I asked him with a smile: “So you want to follow me there?” “Hahaha…no thanks, too bad that I’m on duty!” he replied with friendly smile too. “Hahaha…OK! See you then!” I said goodbye to him and continue driving towards the cave.
Just a few meters away from the entrance, I saw a beautiful cave hanging above the road (photo right). I drove through the cave and parked my car at the roadside. I came down from my car and walked towards the cave. It is beautiful. When I looked at the rocks, something came into my mind – what if I can sit on this rock and meditate for a couple of days (see the second photo on the right)? It is the scenery of the cave that inspired me to spend my off-grid living inside the cave. At the same second, I suddenly think of Bodhidharma, who started Zen and Shaolin Kung Fu in China and was having a wall-facing meditation inside the cave for 9 years. I asked myself, am I ended up following the same path as Bodhidharma?
Near the cave, there are a few swamps scattered around. The water is so clean and clear until the plants are growing green within the water itself. You can actually see every single detail of the plants that are growing inside the water (see 3rd photo on the right). This is what I always said to people: “The cleaner our mind is, the clearer we can see.” I took a few photos there and got back to my car.
Another few meters away from the first cave, I saw two motorbikes and two passenger cars parking near to a specific staircase. I stopped my car and walked up to the staircase to take a look – It is another entrance to a second cave. This cave is the deepest and darkest one. I always carry those basic items with me, such as torchlight. I walked into the dark cave with my torchlight on. There is a very long man-made passage inside the cave, but without any lamp or light. When I went in, nobody there. It was very windy inside the cave, more windy than outside. It was like having an air-conditioner inside the cave. This reminded me about the documentary that I watched from YouTube about the architecture design of the Egypt Pyramid built by the Sirians. Many tourists who been to the pyramid before said that it is very windy inside the pyramid although there is no windows or doors connecting to the outside world. Could it be that, the 6th dimension extraterrestrials were just following the nature to build the pyramid where the pyramid itself is like a mountain and the tunnels inside the pyramid are just like the caves of the triangular mountain? I keep walking for about 200 meters until I saw a signboard saying “CAUTION: Slippery”. The floor is pretty wet and slippery. Since nobody there, I decided not to proceed otherwise in case of falling down, nobody helps. I returned back to the entry and got into my car. I asked one of the workers there about the slippery part of the cave. He told me that that is due to the bats’ droppings. I asked him if the bats are hostile, he answered ‘sometimes’.
I continue driving until I reached the entry point to another cave called Balai Cave (Gua Balai). At this point, there is a wide car park and next to the car park, there is a public washroom. Today is May 2nd, one day after Labor Day, no wonder I can see many cars parking at the car park. After parking my car, I saw many local Malay tourists came down from the ladder of the cave and started to leave the cave (see bottom left picture). They didn’t look like spending their night inside the cave but perhaps having a daytime picnic inside the cave. One of the old tourists was on the trolley, which was being used as a wheelchair for handicapped people. That is the spirit for ones to get themselves united with the Gaia and manifest themselves as part of the Gaia. To others, she may be suffering; perhaps to her, she is only playing her own role in manifesting herself as part of the Gaia. She may not think as what I’m thinking as she is a Muslim, but to me, true spiritual teaching from any religion has such cosmic implication, whether consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly. At this moment, many may like to ask the How-do-you-know kind of questions. Let me tell you one thing: Those who like to ask this type of questions are just human beings who get used to logical answer and hence asking logical questions. They no longer trust their feeling in sensing the vibration of human spirit, not to mention whether they can feel the Gaia consciousness or not. Their brain and reception become malfunction when the Gaia could not speak their language, very much like a computer. Therefore, they require or rely on someone to translate for them. This is how they’re bound to lies and disinformation.
First of all, I went into the Balai Cave without carrying anything just to take a look at the situation inside the cave – It’s huge, clean, and bright. Meanwhile, I also saw people bringing in the symbols of corruption that destroy the whole beauty of the cave – the advertisements (see second and third left pictures). Wherever they go, they see business opportunities rather than the beauty in life. The holiday vacation is just their illusion whereas earning money is their reality. People create what they love to see and what they want others to see. As such, what they love the most is not the beauty of this cave but the business that they wanted to gain first and foremost. Until the moment when they can see their company’s name and services on the wall of the cave, then only they feel comfortable to say that the cave is pretty – they can’t see the beauty of the cave, they can only see their own company’s name of ego. As you can see, people are narrowing down their mind through their greed that acts as a tunnel that focus only toward their wealthy goal. Whatever that is outside the tunnel, they can’t see it. This
is how people wasting their valuable lifetime missing all the beauties in life.
I explored until the end of this cave, there is another exit point to a jungle. I asked the worker there if there was any wild animals like tigers appearing inside the cave before, he answered ‘yes’. However, when I asked some other workers just to double-confirm, some of them said ‘no, they never encountered any tigers before’. Without any hesitation, I went back to my car and started to carry my backpack, which is about as heavy as my body weight, and walked up to the ladder as shown in the picture. I need to hold the handle of the ladder tight, otherwise that heavy backpack may pull me backward and I will fall down from the ladder. Also to be safe, I bended down my body to the front to achieve balancing. By the time I reached the top of the ladder, my face turned green – this is the side- effect after being pampered by the relaxing city life for decades. Everything is lighter, easier, and more convenience. It is no doubt that city people are always weaker than those indigenous who live in the jungle or rural areas. Sometimes we may need to ask ourselves: It is the healthier and stronger body that is matter or easy and convenient life that is matter. In the city, you may always hear people saying that “healthy body is an asset”, but if you ask them to migrate into the jungle for long term living, I believe they will immediately point their middle finger at you, means ‘forget about it!’ And guess what, after coming back from this wild life living, my tummy reduced tremendously – at least this is what my mother told me.
In the cave, I begun to setup my tent near to exit point of the cave, which is brighter and also having the sunlight shooting into my tent (left picture). I find this cave not only spiritually fits into my vibration, it is also ergonomically and astronomically match with my zodiac sign. According to some I-Ching masters, North-East is my favorite direction, and this is the direction that the exit point is facing to. Besides, I do not need to worry about the terrain of my camp site or digging the drain surrounding my tent because I have the strongest roof in the world – the mountain itself. However, I still need to put some sulfur surrounding my tent just in case there will be some snakes crawling into the cave in the middle of the night (second left picture).
After finish setting up my camp site, I rest myself on a rock, facing the exit point of the cave. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My mind was so peaceful and quiet while listening to the heartbeat of the Gaia. The trees were dancing while the wind was blowing. The birds and insects joined in the party, singing and making some fantastic music that follow the rhythm of each other. The monkeys are the perfect partners of the trees, they always dance together, sharing each other’s joy and happiness. These are all happening transparently. There is no underlying or hidden agenda in between – What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG). This is a kind joy and integrity that humanity needs to learn from the Gaia. Such beauties are being destroyed and many of us are being attracted to the metropolitans so that we only listen to them and learn from them instead of the Gaia. They told you that the animals are wild, hostile, and dangerous through those media documentaries so that you value what they’ve created and arranged for you. This had became the reality when humans really lost their spiritual contact with those wild living elements. Those wild animals may be dangerous, but their hostility is visible and naked compared to those ‘World Management Teams’ whose hostility is hidden, sometimes borrowed from others, like how they borrowed the hostility from those animals when they want to prevent you from seeing your real I AM out of those animals and jungles. For example, they tell you that the water of the rivers isn’t save to drink, but they put fluoride into their water supply and they tell you it is safe to drink. When they want to destroy something, they will make you believe that those things are hostile to you, like the inside job of 9/11 terrorist attack. If those natures are hostile to us, how do we live until this generation? Didn’t our ancestors relied on those so called ‘hostile’ and ‘harmful’ natural elements for living and feeding us until this generation? It is the water purification that save us or it is the so called human civilization that pollutes the natural resources and later create something called ‘water purification’ for you to pay for? How can you call it as 'PURE' when it is no longer directly from mother nature? How can you call yourself as 'PURE' when you're also the source of the pollution? Are we having an ‘evolution’ or ‘devolution’ when the harmfulness of Earth resources are actual man-made instead of naturally existed?
The cave was getting darker at around 6:00PM. I went back to my tent, shut the door off, leaving the window with mosquito nest opened, and begun to meditate. While meditating, I left my eyes half opened. When I looked through the window, it had no different from looking into my inner self – the cave is me, me is the cave. (-.-) Until about 9:00PM, I closed half of my window to prevent any wild animals from seeing me just in case. Awhile later, I heard some noise. The noise included the flipping of my tent. This tested the stability and peacefulness of my mind: “It is the wind that is blowing my tent or an animal that is disturbing my tent?” I asked myself. At the moment when both possibilities do not harm my safety, the only thing that went wrong was my illusion of fear. I closed my eyes and talked to myself: “If I can come into this cave, why not the wind and animals? How silly I am.” My mind suddenly turned into peaceful state.
At about 10:30PM, I started to lay down on my sleeping bag and off the light that I hung inside the tent. After sometime, I started to feel the pain on my back and my bones. The ground of my camp site inside the cave, although flatten, it is a solid rock, not grasses with soft soils. While having difficulty in falling asleep, I also heard something stepping on those dry leafs at certain part of the cave. I looked through the half-opened window, nobody carrying torchlight. That must not be a human being. I closed the window fully, first was to prevent the wild animals from smelling something, second is to prevent the mosquitoes from flying in – yes, the nest is not effective. Although I closed everything fully, there was still some air flowing in as the roof top of this tent is having a relatively good air circulation design. Next morning, I told the workers there about the sound of those footsteps on those dry leafs. The workers asked if I use the torchlight to check it out, I said ‘No’. What if that was really a tiger and it wouldn’t have noticed me if I don’t use the torchlight? Sometimes, fear of the unknown leads us to wrong judgment. When I heard about the sound, I asked myself that even though it is really a tiger, what can I do to it? Unless I have an intention to hunt for it, otherwise what’s the point of checking it out when this could also make the animal noticing me? As I commented on my friend’s video talking about the purpose of fear:
“Do not confuse with the detection of imbalance by the wisdom of third eye versus the inner darkness of fear that covers your third eye. Yes, fear may push you to resolve something, but it also influence your judgment to look at the TOTALITY when resolving problems.”
Sometimes, whichever outcomes of certain thing are not really relevant to us, but it becomes unnecessarily relevant when the fear steps in.
Day 4, May 3rd, 2010 – The second night in the cave
Last night was definitely not having a very good sleep. Not so much of the mental disturbance but the pain on my physical body caused by the hard ground. So what can we learn from this lesson? – What we’re fearing about may not be what that is attacking us but it could be those that we’re ignoring all this while and assumed to be no harmful. The same goes to our social economy and political issues where the illusive financial crisis has been taken as the main issue while not recognizing the systems, together with the inner darkness of human selves, as the core issue of the problems. Solutions will then be taken towards the illusions, leaving those that actually created the illusions untouched and persisted.
This morning, I woke up at 10:30am. Although the whole body is aching, it is not as painful as seeing people in the city, hurting themselves to hurt others. They hurt each other simply because the systems told them to do so. The creators of the systems can never be so powerful if there is no one using their systems and get addicted to them. Complaining about the Illuminati for enslaving us is like complaining about the ISP for not delivering a good service and reliable Internet connection while everyone is still subscribing to it. This is why I’m planning to go for permanent off-grid living. We human beings never give ourselves a chance to unlock our highest potential to be self-sustainable, self-responsible, and independent from deceptive entities that we’re not supposed to rely on. The more we depend, the more we become self-ignorance and irresponsible to our own selves. At the moment when we realized about this, we also realized that the devil is actually live within us – It is our inner devil that makes the outer devil functional. Of course, being self-sustainable and living independently from the systems doesn’t mean disconnected from every soul in this cosmic world. However, it is a matter of synchronization of energy and the matching of vibration with a specific cosmic entity, as how we fit into the energy of Gaia and become part of the Gaia. As for the systems that enslave humanity, they’re the illusions that do not really recognized, identified, and aware by the Gaia. However, their effects that impact on human souls introduced unnatural exploitation to the Gaia elements that triggers Gaia consciousness. The Gaia consciousness will then manifest according to this unlawful (cosmic law, not man-made law) exploitation to ensure balance can be achieved, perhaps by December 21, 2012. This is the whole meaning of it.
After waking up, I walked out from the tent towards the exit point of the cave, breathing the fresh air of the jungle and stood there for awhile, smiling – Good morning, my fellow energies of peace. I then walked back to the entry point of the cave, stepped down from the ladder and returned back to my car to take my toothbrush and toothpaste. At the car pack, there was no other vehicles except mine. I went to the public washroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Before returning back to the cave, I went back to my car to get my tri-folded mattress – This will be my solution for the body-ache. This mattress had been accompanied me for many years. It is also the one that I used for my meditation while staying in my previous apartment in the city (see picture left). I carried it all the way up to the cave and placed it inside my tent. Fortunately, the mattress is foldable, or else I may need to suffer for another night or more – my tent is shorter than the mattress when it is fully unfold. “Is this one of the divine plans?” I asked myself. “Tonight will be a very sweet night for me. (^_^)” I continued with myself. I went into the tent and tried out the new setup. I laid on the mattress, turning my body here and there – hehe, my bones can no longer hit the ground! I was so happy. Happier than those who stay in the palace, sleeping on a 76 x 80 inches king size mattress, with their bed crafted with sophisticated patterns and
flowers and have additional curtains and roof, just for the bed itself although their bedroom already has its own roof and curtains. Such a luxury design must be for the purpose of allowing those rich couple to have sex while allowing the servants to tidy up their bedroom at the same time. As for the shade of the bed, I’m not sure.
I started feeling hungry, but I forgot to bring my gas cooker into the cave. The workers there did not allow me to set up a camp fire inside the cave. So I got out from the cave again and returned back to my car to bring my gas cooker. I still have some instant noodles left that I bought while staying in the city, as well as a few packets of 2-in-1 coffee. It was very windy inside the cave. When the wind keeps blowing the fire of the gas cooker, the water takes longer to boil. It is the distraction to the fire that is preventing it from keep heating the same part of the pot, losing its concentration. So you need to block the wind so that the fire can heat up the pot properly. When comes to this situation, some people like to express their hates towards the wind, but when there is no wind, they express their hates towards the heat, and they started to miss the wind. Humans began to oppose something when they started to separate themselves from the Gaia. The enemy becomes their illusion – their ego, is their real enemy. Spiritual awakening allows us to dance together in the same rhythm with the Gaia, working together flawlessly with great joy. We will be having an entirely the same feeling of blocking the wind in a temporary basis to grow the fire and kill the fire to restore the cool when it is getting warm, in a temporarily basis as well, without any illusive prior planning. Planning or over planning loses the rhythm and illusion started to occur. For perfect synchronization, DON’T PLAN, and you will realize what’s the meaning of “living in your NOW”.
After taking my meal, I left the cave again for shower at the public washroom. I kept going up and down, in and out from the cave. I never really care much about how to prevent myself from going up and down too many times to save my energy – if I’m able to plan for or create a kind of conveniences that allowing me to do everything in life by consuming 0% of my physical body’s energy, then what’s the purpose for me to live in this physical body anyway? However, humans define this as ‘fully automated luxury life’. When physical body workout has become part of our life, it is no longer an inconvenience but giving us a fitter and healthier body at the same time instead, without intentionally separates between WORK and EXCERCISE. I want to share with you a cosmic secret here: When humans are able to keep their body healthy in a natural and genuine way, their state of the body represents the state of the Mother Gaia. However, due to the monetary system that corrupts human minds, humans need to DESTROY health so that they can CREATE health, both on human bodies and planet Earth, so that money can be generated out of the man-made demand. Humans keep self-destructing themselves for the illusion of wealth, which is the greatest stupidity that I ever seen in this universe. But when you refuse to join their stupidity, you will be forced to be locked in the jail – they add up another layer of stupidity on top of another stupidity – how can you lock the same energy in its own energy? People, this is something more for you to decipher, spiritually. (-.-)
After finishing my shower, I walked up to the ladder and returned back to the cave. I sat on the rock and begun to meditate. Out of the sudden, I thought of something: “Why not taking this great cave meditating photo and share it with everyone when I have the chance to return back to the city?” I begun to set the self-timer setting on my handphone’s camera, placed it on the other rock. I then quickly ran back to the rock where I meditated and make a meditation post – kacak! Nice timing! (^_^)
After taking the photo, I continued to meditate on the same rock. Half an hour later, I decided to take a shower. I returned back to my car to take my soap and tower. In the meantime, I saw one car approaching the car park. There were two man and one kid. I greeted them with a smile and walked towards the public washroom. After coming out from the washroom, I saw them in a Islamic suite. They told me that they came to this divine place for praying. One of the men told me that the other man is his father, all the way from Johor (southern Malaysia, Singapore’s neighbor). He himself came from Kuantan, the capital of Pahang, and the kid is his son. Three generations coming to this cave for praying. I told them that I came here for Zen Practice. They seemed quite happy to hear about this – at least I was there for something clean and holy. After awhile, we went to revisit the first cave. They collected the clean water from the swamp that I mentioned earlier. After chit-chatting for awhile, they left the cave and I returned back to the Balai Cave.
I inspected further the exit point of the cave – there is some soils that seem to be quite suitable for planting vegetables. However, there may not have enough sunlight because the sunlight is being blocked by the trees. Furthermore, the government may not allow me to stay there for long-term, not to mention about planting vegetables near the cave. In the 3rd dimension human perspective, they describe this as FACTORS or REQUIREMENTS for a specific objective to be met. But to the Buddhist’s point of view, we call this a FATE (not luck). In Buddhism, there is no such thing called “God’s creation”, all things are being formed in fate (因缘和合). Even for a man planting vegetables, it is also a fate. Why? Because the vegetables exist not only due to human’s ability to think, learn, and work, it is also due to the existence of sunlight that came from the Sun, together with water, soils, worms, fertilizer etc, of which the Sun and all other elements that make the vegetable grows could also be due to some other manifestations of other cosmic elements and so on and so forth. However, humans prefer to streamline their view and ignore those cosmic ‘factors’ that provide them such necessities to grow the vegetables. Some regard this as NOT RELEVANT when the relevancy is too far away from what they’re trying to engage with – But now they’re trying to study if the climate change has something to do with the Galactic Alignment – Nothing in this universe that has NO RELVANCY, LESSER RELEVANCY, or TIGHT RELEVANCY – ALL HAS TIGHT RELEVANCY AND MORE CONNECTED THAN YOU THINK, even though they’re 500 light years away from planet Earth. This is how humanity limiting their view and consciousness. Meanwhile, there is a misconception about the term FATE used by Buddhism – people see it as a kind of laziness that waiting for the sky to drop something for them. However, what they do not understand is about the wisdom that Buddha and those Zen Masters link themselves to the cosmos, as well as the lifestyle that the Zen Masters are practicing. During Zen Practice, those Zen monks working very hard daily, even under the Sun, in order to gain some fundamentals for life. After putting all the efforts and trying all kinds of possibility and they still fail to achieve something, they usually close their eyes, take a deep breath, and say to themselves that “This is fate… (-.-)”. Even though it is due to the lack of knowledge that fails them, it is also a fate. We can’t say that it is due to their stupidity that leads them to failure. Why? What if you have vast amount of knowledge and you still fail, which all of us have commonly witnessed this nowadays, out of those highly educated scientists and politicians? Therefore, even the oil spill at Mexico is also a fate. The ‘fate’ by itself has no good or bad. When we use the word ‘fate’, we don’t finger-point anyone or anything – This is the art and wisdom of the awaken Buddhists. FATE, is the creation of all things – if you really want to know what creates the universe. Of course, there are people who like to misuse and abuse the use of the word ‘fate’ when ‘norm’ has became more visible than the truly awaken spiritual manifestation. Those who misperceive things through illusive norms believe in norm more than their inner spiritual consciousness. It is not something wrong with the teaching of Buddha, it is something wrong with our own inner self that enable the foolishness of other’s outer self.
I spent most of my time meditating in the cave and exchanging energy with the Gaia for some inner healing, re-aligning myself so that I can follow their rhythm in life. This is like those who are not sensitive in sound can’t tune the music instruments. Realigning yourself with the Gaia let you detect sounds that are out of tune – the corruption of the society and the inner darkness of humanity. The Sun can never say that: “All living lives depend on me and I can screw their life in any second! Hahahaha….” When humans align themselves with the cosmos, they gain back the wisdom of egoless due to the achievement of neutrality in mind that caused by the Human-Gaia alignment effect. Of course, when you’re back to the society, all the illusions of evil will come back to you, especially when you need to rely on them to survive in the illusive world dominated by them. Unless you’re back for not to rely on them survival but to wake the world up, otherwise you’ll be out of tune again. When you’re back for attaching yourself to the society and family drama, you’ll be out of tune. Hence, it is very important for humanity to reshape their own world if they really want to listen to a nicely tuned peaceful music when they wake up from the bed every day in the morning.
Tonight, I have a very good sleep due to my tri-folded mattress. The animal’s footsteps on the dry leafs in the cave no longer affect my sleep. I turned off the light that I hung at the center top of my tent and say: “Good night everyone. (^_^)”
Day 5, May 4th, 2010 – Leaving the Balai Cave
The next morning, around 8:00AM, I heard someone walking around the cave. I pretended to be asleep and see what would happen. After no more foot-stepping sound, I came out from the tent – someone had left. It must be the worker there who came for inspection. When I decided to go for the washroom, I met the workers outside the cave. “Good morning!” I greeted them. “I went to check out if you’re still alive in the cave, hahaha…” the worker laughed. Another one, who seemed to be holding a supervisor post, told me that I have to inform them about the length that I planned to stay because it is their responsibility to ensure everyone is safe here. But after that, he also told me that their boss will come and collect money from me because I was overnight in the cave. I asked about the entry fee that I had paid for and none was mentioning about the extra charges for overnight. He replied that no one knows I planned to stay in the cave for several days. I told the boss that I did inform the
ticket seller about my plan here and there was nothing being mention on any notice board or whatsoever regarding the extra camping fee in the cave. However, they used the children entry ticket to charge me as the extra charge for overnight in the cave for RM3.00, but they repeat charging me with the RM5.00 adult entry fee for 3 days. Hence, 3 days + 2 nights = RM21.00. They can use any specific type of ticket for any other kind of charges that they like, regardless of what is being stated on the ticket specifically. You may ask me why I didn’t take the statements written on the ticket to argue with them (it was clearly stated there, RM3.00 for Kanak-kanak, means Children). Well, if I tell you that I only noticed what is written on the RM3.00 ticket while writing this blog, will you believe me? I didn’t really suspect anything or read the tickets properly at the moment when the boss passed the tickets to me, especially when RM3.00 per night is not a big amount to me. But when people want to cheat us for additional RM16.00 (RM21 – RM5), they must be very poor while don’t have the guts to rob bank, I would rather take it as helping than arguing with people just for the sake of RM16 – my fate with the cave doesn’t really worth only RM16.00. (-.-)
As I mentioned earlier, humans destroy all beauties in life through money by taking advantage of the spiritual souls that have the tendency in moving towards beauties. When access to cosmic beauty caused difficulties in life, humans started to gain phobia on beauties – it costs money. Therefore, money becomes a separator between human souls and cosmic beauties. When humans could not freely gain access to cosmic beauties, they began to lose their cosmic wisdom in detecting cosmic truth – this is how the elites weaken you and enslave you – when you’re willing to turn yourself into slave for the sake of cosmic beauty, there is no beauty at all.
After paying for the fees, I started to to pack my things and decided to return home for re-planning. After sending this news back to my family, I received several bad news from my family members as well. Of course, those bad news can never runaway from monetary issue while the other was about my mother breaking her forearm while working in the fruit farm. I then closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and said to myself: “This is karma… (-.-)” All human traumas are opportunities for karma clearance, but many take it as something that they don’t deserve to have it. When you understand this as a process of karma clearance, you absorb all the pains, this is the idea. While others seem to understand it, they never learned. This is why the cycle keeps going. It keeps going until you have leaned something and awaken.
I’m sharing all these with all of you here so that you will have a greater picture on how you should spend your off-grid living to boost your spiritual consciousness and how you relate Gaia as a Cosmic Library for the sake of your spiritual awakening. In addition, you’re also able to learn how to connect the Gaia consciousness to your deceptive and illusive world of suffering so that spirituality started to make more sense to you. Although I failed to make this off-grid living a permanent one, I hope I’m not failing in getting my message through so that all of us here, on this planet, can work together even more closer than before, in enabling us to live off-grid without living off-grid.
Namaste. (-.-)
Antonio Ooi