Monday, May 21, 2012
A Higher Level Look: The Truth Behind the Creation of Monetary System
Since the very beginning, the purpose of Gold or Money was the MATERIAL used to construct the PIPING SYSTEM that controlled how the human energies should flow in order for them to go according to the direction of their Great Ambition of Evilness. However, sadly to say that its effectiveness was actually being assisted by human themselves, either by their respective greed, fear, or both at the same time. (-.-)
The PIPING SYSTEM is the metaphor used by me to denote WAY POINTS which control how the humans should go, how the humans should think, how the humans should speak, what the humans should do and so on. A very simple example: If I place the gold as a way point in zic-zac format, will human follow its zic-zac path in order for them to pick up the gold way point by way point? So this is how I order humans to follow my intended zic-zac way for my personal purpose without having them realizing. What they only know is -- they got the gold! This is a very important point and I hope you can understand it by now. (-.-)
Some may want to argue that even without the monetary system, humanity will still need to follow such 'way points', of which such 'way points' are like where to find food, water, shelters etc. BUT, by having the monetary system in replacing such natural ecosystem, the human destiny can be intentionally designed and deceptively plotted and controlled -- this is the HUGE DIFFERENCE between surviving naturally with mother nature and surviving artificially with human designed ecosystems. (-.-)
monetary system,
New World Order,