
TIMELESS CONSCIOUSNESS: It is because you have the conception of 'time', this is why 'stone' is stone, 'water' is water. Likewise, it is because of your attempt to narrow down your view on a specific object, therefore the conception of 'time' has become necessary to you. When you're able to reach 'timeless consciousness', 'stone' is no longer a stone, 'water' is no longer water -- the nothingness of totality. (-.-)

"Spiritual Awakening means a spiritual consciousness that entirely syncs with and follow the rhythm of the cosmic entities' manifestation and lives in the wisdom of nothingness of the cosmic oneness." (Antonio, 2010)

 "The highest level of spiritual consciousness is not to EVOLVE or GO BEYOND from where you are now. It is to GO BACK to the MOST ORIGIN of your DEEPEST INNER SELF and entirely aware of your TRUE SELF of COSMIC ONENESS." (Antonio, 2010)

"Don't be a GOOD entity for the BAD entity to start the war with. Be NOTHING, namely neither GOOD nor BAD, for the BAD entity to WAR with, and they will lose their INTERACTIVITY -- Only when you're aware of your SPIRITUAL SELF." (Antonio, 2010)

"Trying to understand spirituality through SCIENCE is like attempting to use the RULER to measure the INFINITE OUTER SPACE. When they fail to measure it, they simply say it is INFINITY or UNMEASURABLE without witnessing what is INFINITY and continue to live within the limitation that they feel comfortable with. Meanwhile, to ensure the public believe in SCIENCE more than SPIRITUALITY, they use media propaganda to inject FEAR into public by relating real spirituality to those who failed on their path to spiritual awakening due to over superstitious, e.g. burning their own body. They will also lie to the public that those spiritual masters are FAKE and just want to get the attention of publicity for money." (Antonio, 2010)

"Taking spirituality as KNOWLEDGE or SKILL brings you nowhere but staying in the same consciousness as where you are as your perception on spirituality has no different from gaining SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE and TECHNOLOGICAL SKILL." (Antonio, 2010)

"One thing good about spiritual awakening is that, we can never demonstrate our understanding on spirituality through theoretical argument or logical debate as the 'argument' or 'debate' itself proves no real spiritual awakening in within us. This is also the common mistake that myself had made a lot. 'Argument' and 'debate' can only show our ego of winning while make no concern about the effectiveness for the other party to be awaken. Instead, they activate the desire of the other party to strengthen their self-defense of ego too. This is nothing but just another symptom of duality rather than spirituality. (-.-)" (Antonio, 2010)

"If the scenery is so beautiful, will you bother about the scientific explanation of its beauty?" (Antonio, 2010)