Saturday, November 07, 2009

Stopping the growth of reptilian’s mind


Simple Reptilian's Formula that introduces huge damage to both Earth and Human Spirit: "Do what you do not want to do and we will give you what you want." -- The more you get, the more you gonna do what you do not want to do.

People, do always keep this in mind and observe it through out your daily work. It happens almost everyday. When you encounter this, try to figure out a way to fail the idea to reduce the severity of damage to both human spirit and Earth.

For example, some governments may have already know the problem of vaccine, but due to the attractive under-table money, they use taxed money from citizens to buy the vaccine and later force the citizens to take the vaccine.

Another seemed to be minor example but same mind set: A software giant sees a lot of profit from their certification exams. To encourage more people to take the exam, they planned to give away the bags as free gift to those who take the exam. What the gift has to do with taking the exam if they don't find the exam a must to their career? If the exam itself is so important and worth for the value, why the software giant and their partners needs to invest extra that has no direct meaning to the exams?

It is the mind set that's matter, not the size of the issues. Small issues are just the exercises to cultivate bad mind set. We should not tolerate or ignore those small issues that instils the same reptilian's formula to human's mind. Always rectify the unholy vibration of mind, not the externalities.

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