When they want to DIVIDE you, it also means dividing between you and your President, Prime Minister, Top Bankers, Rich Businessmen or Police folks, not just between you and your friends, family members, or colleagues -- just that their severity of infection and pollution are far more serious than you are. This is why in your world, you also have Royal Family and civilians, President and non-President, employer and employees and so on. So naturally, while you think they're dividing you and your peers, you end up fighting with them by dividing between you and your government. Therefore, on the otherhand, the perfect technique to divide you isn't only limited to top and bottom with bad relationship; it also applies to top and bottom with GOOD RELATIONSHIP as every good relationship may end up become bad relationship and bad relationship may end up become good relationship -- this is their top SECRET RECIPE to make their Divide & Conquer HIDDEN from you. So where is the TRUE IDENTITY of the Mastermind behind this? They exist in TWO REALMS: 1) Physically not existed in your current habitats; 2) Within YOU. (-.-)
Yes, no doubt that those elites or so called Royal Family do have different bloodlines from us, but don't you think that animals also have different bloodlines from us? Should we love and respect the animals too or should we discriminate them instead? If you really want to insist that bloodlines do have 'top' and 'bottom', then what if I tell you that those elites may be physically on top of you but they're in fact spiritually and energetically BELOW you without having you realizing? In the cosmos, there is no such thing call "discrimination", whether it is from top to bottom or bottom to top, neither there is something called 'bottom' or 'top'. (-.-)
If discrimination is their problem, correct them; don't make their problem your problem too. So how to 'correct' them? -- By not recognizing the conception of 'top' and 'bottom' while manifesting your life at its full, as though you never even heard about that before -- Correct ourselves to automagically correct them without even have to fight with them while potentially capable of spiritually hinting them that: "I don't even have to discriminate you, neither I need to separate myself from you. Therefore, I'm not your so called 'followers', neither you're my so called 'leader'. If we're equal, why should I discriminate you just to tell you that WE ARE NOT EQUAL?"
Namaste. (-.-)