Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is your SOUL that causing you to be LAZY?

I hate my job! :( Humans are proud to be a hard working robot because they think that souls are lazy -- they against their own soul. Some even think that their soul is a negative part of them (e.g. don't be a slave...be free...) and their fear is a positive part of them (e.g. don't be a garbage collector...be a millionaire...). They think that their fear is the factor that pushes them to success. The earlier is collective whereas the later is dualistic.

By being free and independent, you responsible for your own consumption, means you collect your own garbage after used and recycle it back to the Earth to restore the energy. By being a millionaire/billionaire, you consume it but leave it to others to collect the garbage because to you, this is the purpose for you to be a rich man instead of collecting rubbish on the street. In other words, while not willingly to be a garbage collector, you leave it to others to be the garbage collector. You understand very well the feeling of being a garbage collector but you force yourself to ignore your empathy and compassion.

I understand very much about your mind set. What you may be thinking now is that: "Are you meaning that I should be a garbage collector?!!" You think in such a way because you're unable to release yourself from the thinking mechanism of duality -- "If not this, then must be that!" As I told you, your soul is the source of your Collective Consciousness. It is neither positive nor negative but a kind of agility for you to swim across negativity and positivity to enable you to synchronize with your surroundings in order to achieve equality and balancing. This is your purpose of coming to this planet. When you're being forced to do something that defeat your divine purpose, your soul alert you.

Dear Ones, never ever accuse your own soul as the source of your laziness again...

Namaste... (-.-)


Resonance from other souls:
”Yes. The struggle. Taught to struggle and work hard. It's only hard because it's against your inner self. It's easy when in line with who you really are. Thanks Antonio.”

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If only God can save the world, the God must be the humans themselves

250px-Save_the_Earth[1] I was always being told by one of my family members, who had converted herself from Buddhist to Christian in few years back, that: "You're not God! You can't save the world! Just focusing on your work and earn more money! Don't think too much!"

If only God can save the world, then each and every human in this world has to be one, that is to be their own God. Humans separate them from God, become God and Non-God, so that God can continue to do good and Non-God can continue to do bad. Unfortunately, the more they believe in God, the more that God does not exist because there is no God except the real one in them -- their inner divine truth.

Humans unable to face their inner truth because of a great fear that overshadow their mind. This great fear was actually injected by another great forces, who also fear of the human self-discovery of their inner truth that will end the global slavery and hence neutralize their power. This is when the mind splitting dualism and pyramid ruling model were first introduced, executed, and empowered with the help of violence threat and monetary system.

This is the greatest mistake ever made by the elites because the balloon will explode when its greed exceeded the amount of air that it can take. The new energies arriving on this planet, together with many other existing awaken energies, whether consciously, subconsciously, or unconsciously, have become the air that is going to explode the balloon. This is therefore worldwide depopulation is inevitable in order to reduce the incoming air that the elites can no longer take. This also proves the great mistake caused by their own "inhaler system" or "energy sucking system". However, instead of realizing this mistake as their self-destructive karma, they choose to destroy those “excessive energies” in order to preserve the system that keep them in power for eons. Let me ask you my dear brothers & sisters, how can energies be destroyed in the first place?

As such, whether you're looking at the quantum physical science point of view or cosmic point of view, the unprecedented great revolution of humanity will take place. It is not up to you and me to say 'NO', neither it is up to the global elites to say ‘NO’. It is up to the cosmic energy that is always manifesting by itself according to the cosmic truth for the cosmic peace and harmony...Whoever manifests himself/herself according to cosmic law, he/she is a God, or known by human beings as ‘God’.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Beauty of Chinese Language

Zen Chinese characters by default are very philosophical and nature-oriented. Our ancestors converted many of the characters from the shape and essence of the nature. Certain philosophical or metaphysical adjectives derived from two or more nouns and make them into 1 single Chinese character. It is therefore 4 characters of ancient Chinese word may require 4 lines of written English words to fully describe its meaning.

Learning Chinese language can easily lead you to achieve collective consciousness because of its nature. This is also one of the reasons why Buddhism and Zen were easily brought from India to China. At the very least, you do not need to keep looking at your watch while writing in Chinese -- it does not have PAST, PRESENT, PRESENT CONTINUOUS, and PAST CONTINUOUS TENSES. :)

Friday, January 08, 2010

DEADLOCK: A symbiotic fact of "Divide & Conquer" caused by Monetary System

deadlock What DEADLOCK is: "When employees want higher pay and lesser work whereas employers want more works and pay less. Works are the costs to employees whereas pays are the costs to employers. (NOTE: The costs of work to employees include investment on higher educational studies, energy consumption, risks that threaten their life, travelling expenses to workplace, conflicts of personal will to the tasks assigned, illness caused by frustration and work pressure, time lost on relationship with friends and family, time lost on recreation, sports, exercise etc.) When each and every party wants to minimize costs and maximize profits, DEADLOCK occurs throughout the entire world and society.

This direct conflict of interest causing an INTER-LOCKING effect among individuals and organizations, hence preventing love and compassion from manifesting. This is how monetary system destroy human relationship and effectively prevents human beings from uniting. Humans are discouraged to unite with each other through love and compassion so that they can be easily controlled and enslaved by the global elites. They cultivate and strengthen human greed and selfish so that each and everyone of you only care for yourself and not others because nobody willing to give anybody what they need through the DEADLOCKING of desires. As such, even though they're BILLIONS, they're like having a strength of ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL because they treat each other as stranger, not loving each other, and not uniting with each other -- This is why they're billions but never thought of achieving common freedom and abundance because they only think for themselves.

Whoever lose, "they" win. "Competition" is a simple yet effective tactic being instilled into human society since eons ago by a being called "Annunaki", whose current generation also known as a secret society called "Illuminati", sometimes known as "Reptilians". They're the owners of the world largest private banker called "Federal Reserve". Due to the fact that COMPETITION sounds like a game and looks more civilized than the one on the battlefield with fire weapons, the public had been easily convinced and taken it as FAIR GAME. This is why you often see employers like to create competitions among staffs, parents like to provoke competitions among children (e.g. "Why you brother can do it but you can't?!") Why? Because they want to compete with other entities for survival under the rules dictated by the monetary system. But regardless of what company loses the competition, the banks are always the winner. Meanwhile, there're also competitions among banks and financial institutions. And again, whichever bank loses, the Federal Reserve wins. This is what they call "Divide & Conquer". This is also what I mean by "Global Multilevel Puppeting", very much similar to what you known as Multi Level Marketing (MLM).

Dear brothers and sisters, while each and every life has different strengths and weaknesses, there is one thing that all of us have in common -- our natural gifted LOVE and COMPASSION. Even though you're entirely handicapped and physically disabled, the love and compassion that live within your heart remain -- they can never be removed. To create a beautiful world for the warm loving hearts and souls to live together in harmony and share the greatest joy among all species on this planet Earth, human beings must start cultivating love and compassion at the same time abolishing the great evil of monetary system. Stop competing and comparing with each other and start loving each other with compassion, honesty, and integrity. By absorbing the POWER OF LOVE, then only your strength can be unlocked to its full potential like never before and your weaknesses will be complemented by others who have the strengths that you don’t through the power of their LOVE, like how you complement their weaknesses with your strengths through the power of your LOVE. As such, collectively, human beings, as a whole, will be able to generate a higher vibration of energy frequency that they never experienced before. Such a high energy frequency of love will enable humanity to transmute, not only ANYTHING on this planet Earth but also EVERYTHING in the COSMOS for the sake of balancing of the TOTALITY.

By December 21, 2012 of your calendar, this will take place because your LOVE tells you so. At that moment, I will meet you there because ME is YOU and YOU is ME!


Friday, January 01, 2010

Antonio's 2010 New Year Opening Speech

延征(三) My dear beloved potential souls of the cosmos,

Although I'm not being fascinated by the new number of the human calendar year itself but the cosmological change that impacts the human consciousness on planet Earth, it may be good for me to take advantage of your 'new year norm', that is your interest to set a new resolution for each of the upcoming new years in your Earth calendar. I hope my speech here may be able to help inspiring you in setting up your new year resolution in the way that your inner consciousness wanted it to be!

Throughout my entire journey on this planet Earth, my consciousness had never been changed except my knowledge in understanding the disconnection of human mind towards the cosmos in general and Gaia in particular has been enhanced. This is the main reason why myself and some other starseeds all over the planet were being sent to reestablish such vital connection, of course not only among ourselves but the entire humanity as a whole. It is vital because it determines the completeness, stability, and balance of the entire cosmos, whose beauty can never be distorted by the law defined by the cosmic energy itself. Your scientists may be able to prove it with their so call quantum physics but proving and knowing alone are not the genuine consciousness that manifest the original beauty of the cosmos, which includes the beauty of your Mother Earth. Instead, it is the UNITY that being manifested through the realization of ONENESS where even the need of UNITING is being treated as a joke because it had never been separated until the beginning of your illusion.

Your ever changing physical entities is a prove to cosmic oneness, but your time-oriented logical brain interpret them as totally separated entities. Your slow processing logical brain produce the illusion of time, when time exists, separation exists. Instead of feeling doubtful to such limitation that being informed by your inner voice, your focus had been distracted by another energy force, in conjunction with your left brain, to continue accepting such limitation for survival and ignoring the other side of your underlying potential. And so, your scientists invented another greater speed and yet still limited artificial left brain called 'Microprocessor', which follows exactly how your left brain logically process information. The invention of this microprocessor, together with variety of software, is to act as a solution to process the complication created by such dualistic human view, of which the solution itself is far more complicated and resource-hungry than the problem that exists before it. This turned up to become a very big joke to us that there is always a greater complication being created to simplify another complication!

This is when humans started to think that computers think faster than humans. Hence, there is no surprise that the idea of replacing humans with computers came into picture, followed by the down-grading of human value when comparing with computers and robots. However, the said energy force is getting tired after distracting you non-stop for centuries and now is the time for your emotional body to re-activate your 12 helices DNA in re-connecting back your left brain to your right brain. Once your right brain is reconnected, your Collective Consciousness recovered. Your collective consciousness is your super ultra fast microprocessor, too fast until you started to realize that TIME DOES NOT EXIST. When time not exist, duality not exist. When duality not exist, everything comes into ONE -- the harmony of oneness, the inner peace of joy!

And how about your 2010 new year resolution? -- Be prepare to move into the time-less realm of consciousness by December 21, 2012 and you'll know why Mayan Calendar ends at this date!

Namaste! (-.-)

Antonio Ooi

P/S: All the above are truly based on real-life personal experience, including time-less experience. No science fiction imagination being created out of thin air.