As some of you, if not all, have already heard about Venus Project founded by Jacque Fresco, it is the future that what and how it should be for the humanity -- The Resource-based Economy, as oppose to the Monetary System that provokes separation of human relationships and causes poverty due to the distinct imbalance of global resource distribution manipulated by the "global elites".
To make Venus Project a reality, I strongly encourage all of you to join the cause and donate at least US$5 or US$10 based on your free will to:
Making the Venus Project a Reality
Keep in mind that if 1 million peoples donate $5, there will be 5 million dollars! With this 5 millions, at least we can help to provide higher visualization of Venus Project to the public around the world and that will boost the vibration to the support of Venus Project at its entirety! Other key reasons to support Venus Project are as follows:
1. To overcome FEAR to the unknown future in the event of the fall of monetary system.
2. To free all of us from slavery -- work for passion and equal abundance, not for individual superiority and selfishness.
3. To release all the FREE ENERGY technologies banned by the governments.
4. To give humanity a chance to balance up between spirituality and technology.
5. To create a KEY ENTRY POINT for humanity to be ascended to the 5th dimension crystalline body and higher plane of spiritual consciousness while entering into the Age of Aquarius!
Yes, Venus Project does against monetary system but keep in mind that it needs to be at least partially constructed BEFORE THE FALL OF MONETARY SYSTEM in order to convince everyone to support it! Therefore, of course they still need money at this moment! So people, no harm giving out your $5 or $10 for a try and see what would happen. Besides, we had been cheated and enslaved for centuries, why mind about this tiny little dollar for such a potential change to the future of humanity?!
People! Just Do It! (Nike)
Making the Venus Project a Reality
NOTE: If you worry about the source of donation provided by this Facebook cause, feel free to donate directly from the Venus Project Official Site here: http://www.thevenusproject.com/store
Watch this before proceed to your readings:
After viewing the above video, somebody told me that nowadays, it is dangerous for a woman to walk alone if she doesn’t drive. Below is my answer:
Then let me ask you: By having cars, have the rape cases been eliminated NOWADAYS? Ever heard of women were being raped IN THE CAR? All humanity problems rooted from MIND. When they can't solve the MIND PROBLEMS, they blame it on outer physical entity’s problems and they keep seeking and establishing OUTER PHYSICAL SOLUTIONS. But surprisingly, they had been keep blaming the problems cause by the outer physical solutions for centuries. As a result, they keep stacking up the problems with problem -> solution -> problem -> solution... approach, leaving the root cause buried, unresolved, i.e. the HUMAN MIND. Why? Because solving the HUMAN MIND ISSUES defeat their purpose. What they want is POWER AND WEALTH, not a group of human beings with high spiritual integrity, freedom, and justice to against them! If human mentality issues have been resolved, how can they ever enjoy their power and wealth by enslaving us? How can they control a high spiritually trained human beings?
At the very beginning of human civilization, since the evolvement of technologies and monetary system, human’s bad behaviors and attitudes were being pampered by the technology. They’re being pampered so that no one have to correct their mentality issue. This was being done deliberately because as long as humans remain spiritually weak, the more they rely on technology and ready-made commercial products for their day-to-day live and activities.
Secondly, when humans become spiritually weak, naturally, they will all become physically weak so that they can be easily controlled by the physically well-trained police and military force. You really think that walking in 3km distance requires solely on physical power? No! It works in conjunction with your WILL and SPIRIT! When you’re spiritually strong, it builds up your physical power and strength because your STRONG WILL push your body to do so!
Thirdly, when both your physical and non-physical power is low, you can be easily controlled and enslaved. You have no power to revolt at all. The weaker you’re, the more you rely on them; the more you rely on them, the more you need to listen to them out of your fear. This is how and why you’re being enslaved until today.
The entire human civilization had been evolved based on human weaknesses. It is not that human weaknesses cannot be corrected, it is that THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO CORRECT IT! They strive so hard to prove to you that technologies can replace and complement your weaknesses to our fundamental living needs. But until today, things getting worse than before, inefficient than before, chaotic than before, toxic than before, ineffective than before, more polluted than before, and our souls are more CORRUPTED THAN BEFORE!!!
Dear humans, listen to me:
Your civilization should be evolved FROM INSIDE, THEN OUTSIDE, not FROM OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE! Your inside needs to be stabilized, mature, and strengthened first, then only you think of the need to create something DIVINE from outside. Because:
On modern servitude from Les Temps Bouleversés on Vimeo.
Ladies & Gentlemen, the corruptions are everywhere. Time to CHANGE. What you need to do now is:
1. Say 'NO' to political power.
2. Say 'NO' to monetary system.
3. Say 'NO' to modern slavery.
4. Say 'NO' to propaganda media.
5. Say 'NO' to Earth destruction technologies.
6. Say 'NO' to police and military force.
7. Say 'NO' to false education through new generations.
8. Say 'NO' to force H1N1 vaccines.
9. Say 'NO' to New World Order.
10. Say 'NO' to UFOs and Extraterrestrials' agenda cover-up.
And say 'YES!' to:
1. Resource-based Economy
2. Venus Project
3. Zeitgeist Movements
4. Disclosure Project
5. Project Camelot
6. Free Energy Technology
7. 9/11 was an inside job
8. Teoh Beng Hock's death was an inside job
9. Galactic Federation of Light
For the peace of cosmos,
Mr. X: Great quote! Which famous person saying that?
Antonio: Antonio.
Mr. X: Which Antonio?
Antonio: Antonio Ooi.
Mr. X: Fuck you! Don't take other people's butt as the skin of your face! LOL!!!
Antonio: You can feel free to Google it and find it out.
Mr. X: (Googling...)
Mr. X: Well...but I don't really agree that blah... blah... blah...
Apparently, people's belief system operates through worshiping. Once they have discovered that this is not from the authority, they began to ignore it. When they can't create their own thought and conclude the meaning of life in their own words, they measure other's ability based on their own weaknesses. They lack of confidence and lose their own way in life because whatever that they talk and whatever that they think, are from others, not from their own. This is why the dark forces are being so successfully invading and enslaving our mind and therefore controlling our behavior and actions.
If you only dare to talk about what your superiors allow you to talk, sooner or later, you only dare to think what your superiors allow you to think; if you don't even dare to talk, naturally, you don't even dare to think -- this is when your mind has been successfully invaded and enslaved. REMEMBER: When consciousness turned into wisdom, wisdom turned into knowledge, and knowledge turned into books, peoples tend to follow books rather than their inner consciousness. The same goes to blindly following and believing in famous peoples' quotes.
Relying too much on books or other people's thought will slowly weaken your spiritual consciousness and losing your own self. However, this doesn't mean you're not encouraged to read books! But when you read the book, you should RESONATE with the author's thought through your inner consciousness and not act like a parrot or books reading machine or scanner! This will not train your ability to think CREATIVELY! Of course, when you're not able to resonate your thought with the author's thought, it is either something wrong with your thought or the author's thought. To validate your thought or anyone's thought, it is simple: When you're able to resonate with the Gaia, you will automagically be able to validate anyone's thought without any polarity bias, in just a nano second without any time-consuming logical analysis!
Dear ones, try creating your own thought and embarrass yourself with your own quote. This will force you to think deeper into your inner self before you're ready to present it to the public. The reason is simple: You can't afford to embarrass yourself! This is when you turn your ego into open-minded, ego-less thought. Once you become ego-less, you will be able to figure out many things, including the truth of cosmos...
“Antonio quote his thought with his own name is not because he wants to show off his wisdom, it is because he wanted to let you know that even an infamous idiot like him able to conclude the meaning of life in his own broken English, why can't you?!” (Antonio, 2009)